Ilmaffectional has stepped her foot to here.. See you in the crossroads!!
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hmm, cukup lama juga ya saya menganaktirikan blog ini. Kesibukan, kemalasan, hilangnya kepercayadirian dalam menulis dan semangat berbagi cerita membuat saya sengaja menarik diri dari blog ini dalam waktu yang cukup panjang. Postingan saya yang terakhir ternyata sudah berumur 4,5 bulan sekarang-- waktu yang tidak sebentar tapi juga sangat singkat untuk merangkum skenario Tuhan dalam perjalanan waktu yang saya lalui itu.
Satu hal yang menjadi garis bawah tebal berwarna merah yang menjadi pelajaran penting untuk saya selama 4,5 bulan itu adalah, "Tuhan adalah Sutradara Terbaik" dan saya adalah "aktris pemeran utama yang masih harus banyak belajar untuk menjadi bintang di mata-Nya". Tugas yang amat sangat berat untuk saya, karena skenario yang Dia berikan ternyata begitu penuh dengan permainan emosi yang membuat rasio seringkali menolak untuk bekerja, dan karakter yang saya perankan cukup sulit saya mainkan. Belum lagi, skenario yang Dia ciptakan terjadi begitu spontan dan tak terduga, sehingga membuat saya terkejut dan sering panik dalam mengimprovisasi peran. Improvisasi yang saya lakukan seringkali tidak sesuai dengan apa yang Sang Sutradara inginkan; dan sebaliknya, apa yang Sang Sutradara mau terkadang terlalu berat untuk saya mainkan..
Sebagai seorang aktris yang masih merangkak, tentunya saya memiliki banyak idola yang bisa saya jadikan contoh dan panutan dalam berseni hidup. Diantara ratusan idola tersebut, ada 2 orang bintang yang sangat saya agungkan. Drama hidup yang mereka mainkan sangat sempurna serta jujur, dan mereka adalah sumber inspirasi saya dalam memainkan peran saya sebagai seorang Ilma.
Mereka adalah Yahdi Zaim dan Anita Fithriani, ayah dan ibu saya.
Ibu saya diberi kepercayaan oleh Sang Sutradara untuk menjadi seorang ibu untuk 3 orang anak, sekaligus istri untuk seorang kepala keluarga. Selama 27 tahun Ibu berperan hebat dan begitu luar biasa menjadi seorang pendamping hidup bagi ayah saya. Dua puluh tujuh tahun. Waktu yang tidak singkat, bukan? Romantisme hidup yang beliau mainkan tidak dapat terukur oleh apapun. Ibu saya bisa menjadi seorang Juliet sekaligus Erin Brockovich, tapi juga bisa seperti Bridget Jones sekaligus ibu kita Kartini, unik kan? Karakter unik yang beliau perankan membuat Ayah harus pintar-pintar mengimprovisasi perannya sendiri selama 27 tahun menjadi lawan mainnya.
Ibu adalah sosok wanita yang sangat sempurna di mata saya, dan saya yakin juga sangat sempurna di mata Ayah. Tanpa beliau, saya tidak akan pernah tahu bagaimana rasanya menjadi seorang Ilma. Banyak sekali pelajaran hidup yang saya peroleh dari beliau- bagaimana membintangi seri romantis yang bisa tetap survive dalam berbagai episode yang begitu panjang dan dalam durasi yang tidak sebentar. Ayah saya sering sekali mengungkapkan kepada saya betapa besarnya kekaguman beliau terhadap Ibu, betapa beliau sangat bangga memiliki istri seperti Ibu, dan betapa beliau sangat mencintai Ibu saya melebihi apapun. 27 tahun adalah angka yang lebih dari kata dewasa, dan Ibu adalah bintang yang tidak akan pernah redup..
Ayah saya adalah lawan main Ibu yang sangat mengimbangi kekurangan dan kelebihan Ibu. Memang Sang Sutradara benar-benar sutradara terbaik. Dia bisa dengan begitu sempurna memasangkan aktor dan aktris yang bisa saling mengisi dan melengkapi. Skenario yang Dia ciptakan juga begitu indah; 27 tahun penuh episode romantis yang dilengkapi dengan bumbu-bumbu hidup yang membuat kebersamaan mereka sungguh menarik. Ayah saya seorang yang cukup idealis dan sangat berpegang teguh pada prinsipnya. Ibu sering mengeluh tentang kekakuan ayah saya; tapi Ibu juga sangat bisa mencairkan kekakuan Ayah dengan improvisasi peran yang sangat hebat. 27 tahun hidup sebagai kepala keluarga dan imam bagi kami adalah pekerjaan aktor yang tak ternilai. Adalah suatu tugas yang sangat berat, menjadi pemimpin yang bisa membimbing istri dan anak-anak menjadi aktris dan aktor yang kelak mampu mengambil hati Sang Sutradara dan meraih piala penghargaan di akhir drama hidupnya..

Ayah sayang, terimakasih atas 25 tahun penuh bimbingan atas nilai-nilai hidup untuk Ilma; terimakasih atas kokohnya punggung keluarga selama 27 tahun ini.. Terimakasih atas perjuangan untuk tetap berdiri tegak agar keluarga ini bisa selalu kuat dalam kebersamaan, terimakasih untuk semua pembelajaran hidup yang selalu Ayah tanamkan kepada kami. Ayah juga harus sadar bahwa dibalik setiap cerita, Ibu selalu bangga setiap kali mengucapkan nama emas Ayah.. Strong man has a strong soul, Yah.. Tetaplah kuat karena selalu akan ada Ibu di samping Ayah...
Kepada Ayah dan Ibu, cahaya hidup Ilma, para motivator Ilma untuk tetap kuat menjadi seorang Ilma;
15 November 2007. Semoga episode kebersamaan yang telah Ayah Ibu rangkum sejak 27 tahun yang lalu dan penuh dengan cerita-cerita indah ini tidak akan pernah berakhir; dan semoga Sang Sutradara Terbaik senantiasa memberikan berkah-Nya kepada kita semua, dan semoga kita menjadi bintang dengan penghargaan tertinggi di hadapan-Nya. Amin.. Selamat Ulang Tahun Pernikahan!!!
Maaf tahun ini Ilma cuman bisa ngasih doa, gak bisa ngasih apa-apa kayak ulang tahun sebelumnya.. Maaf juga minggu ini Ilma gak bisa pulang ke Bandung.. Insya Allah ntar pas Ilma pulang kita makan sushi yuukk!!!!
Monday, July 16, 2007
New ilmaffectional :)Sekarang saya pakai jilbab. Kaget? Gak percaya? Saya juga gak pernah sekalipun nyangka akan pakai jilbab secepat ini. Gak sama sekali. Padahal saya tahu, di Islam wanita hukumnya wajib menggunakan jilbab- sama wajibnya dengan shalat- tapi tetep aja hati saya gak pernah tergerak. Niat sih ada, tapi sedikit.. Mikirnya entar aja deh kalo udah nikah, itu juga kalo boleh sih entar-entar aja deh kalo udah punya anak dan bodi udah gak menarik lagi. Tapi siapa sangka- saya pun gak percaya- sekarang saya sudah pakai jilbab.
Sebuah keputusan terbesar dalam hidup, memutuskan untuk pakai jilbab di usia saya yang sekarang ini. Sebuah keputusan yang membutuhkan kesiapan mental dan kematangan spiritual, dan sebuah perjuangan besar dalam melawan perang batin. Sumpah, keputusan ini nggak semata-mata saya putuskan dengan mudah. Selama 6 bulan saya mengalami perang batin yang sangat dahsyat, bener gak sih saya akan pakai jilbab? Siap gak sih? Yakin gak sih saya? Seumur hidup saya hidup tanpa jilbab, saya selalu pamer rambut dan sering pakai baju-baju pendek. Yakin gak sih saya siap meninggalkan semua itu? Bener-bener keputusan yang gak mudah bagi saya. SALUT banget deh saya sama wanita-wanita berjilbab yang berani mengambil keputusan menggunakan jilbab sejak lama...
Saya bukan tipe wanita muslim yang baik, sabar, kalem, sholehah dan rela menutup aurat. Saya seorang muslimah, yang insyaallah -maaf, tidak ada maksud untuk riya- berusaha untuk menjalankan semua kewajiban agama, tapi punya prinsip “do not ever judge people by its cover”. Walaupun fisik saya tidak berjilbab, insyaallah saya selalu berusaha menjilbabi hati saya. Toh kita juga tidak bisa menilai apakah wanita berjilbab itu benar-benar berjilbab hatinya. Duh, bisa-bisanya ya saya ngomong gini, padahal udah jelas-jelas jilbab itu wajib…
Sampai akhirnya sebuah momen itu datang. 6 bulan yang lalu, saya merasa dengan akan datangnya momen tersebut, saya diberi tanggung jawab untuk menjadi seorang muslimah yang jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Tentunya, salah satunya adalah dengan melaksanakan kewajiban menggunakan jilbab. Selama 6 bulan hati saya gak tenang, perang batin ini bener-bener membuat saya sering menangis. Seharusnya kalau saya memang beriman, saya tidak boleh ragu akan hal ini. Tapi ternyata saya ragu, artinya saya masih belum beriman. Hhhh..
Sampai 2 minggu menjelang hari-H, perang batin ini semakin dahsyat. Gak bisa dijelasin deh gimana perjuangan saya melawan godaan yang terus datang bertubi-tubi. Emang dasar syaitonirojim yahhh, sadis banget kalo udah ngegodain..
Akhirnya, di suatu tempat yang dikenal sebagai “Rumah Allah”, rasanya semua gejolak batin yang ada seketika lenyap. Air mata saya bener-bener gak bisa berhenti berderai. Sejak itulah saya mencoba untuk kuat dan berserah diri. Dan alhamdulillah, semua doa saya terjawab. Sedikit demi sedikit Allah menunjukkan jalan-Nya, dan semua petunjuk itu membuat saya merenung dan menjadikan itu semua sebagai dasar keputusan saya dalam memakai jilbab. Disana, Allah telah berkali-kali mengingatkan saya dalam beberapa peristiwa, diantaranya yaitu:
1. selama disana saya tidak berhasil mencium Hajar Aswad karena saya pernah menunda shalat Shubuh padahal hanya 5 menit saja
2. waktu bus yang saya tumpangi pecah ban dan hampir oleng di tengah-tengah padang pasir dalam perjalanan menuju “Rumah Allah” yang lain.
It’s a sign. Inti dari semua hikmah dari semua kejadian tersebut adalah:
1. Kalo ibadah jangan ditunda-tunda, kalo nunda-nunda maka Allah juga akan menunda kenikmatan-Nya.
2. Kita gak pernah tau kapan kita akan mati.
Dan sejak itulah saya bertekad untuk pake jilbab. Insyaallah dengan ini, saya bisa menunaikan kewajiban untuk Tuhan saya, membahagiakan orang tua saya dan menyempurnakan ibadah saya sendiri. Mohon doa dan dukungannya yaaaa :)
PS. kalo mo liat foto gw dengan penampilan baru gw, buka fs aja yah :P
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The girl & the woman
Monday, May 21, 2007
A little prayer..
Ya Allah, show me and lead me the way...
Tunjukkan jalanku, bimbinglah langkahku, mantapkan hatiku...
*am I really READY to........................?*
Teman-temaaaan, mohon doanya yaaa... :)
Friday, April 20, 2007
... there's too much panic in this town!!

... there's too much panic in this town!!

...there's too much panic in this town!!

The second is the panic situation in my office. Deadlines, meetings, presentations, rejections and revisions-- nothing more can I say except: I'm panic!!!Next is about lifestyle, especially after office hours and weekend for me. Once again, I'm living in East Jakarta-- known as a minority district in Jakarta. I have no clue why my office is located in such an isolated area, perhaps it's in case of confidential matters. Most of industries and lifestyle centers placed in South or Central Jakarta-- so the party, big event or even my friend circle gathering is mostly held in South Jakarta. I like South Jakarta so much, even I have to cross Jakarta in hundred miles with traffic jam in several areas-- I never hate it because I could escape my mind from my daily panic routines of my job. But one of the problems that oftenly makes me panic is- the transportation to get me back home. Having an appointment after office hours in South Jakarta-- where most of my friends working and living-- means the time to spend is about 2 hours on the way. OK, 17.30 from office to 19.30 in meeting point, even sometimes is not a big deal to unleash my stress. And waiting for another panicky things like: rubber time friends, window shopping in the mall with all of its trend and price, admiring other Jakarta's flashy and glamour people with their own attractive style (which makes you realize about the HUGE gap between the poor and the rich in Jakarta), dealing for where we are going to have dinner, consider the place and the price, meal ordering, fun gathering and end up with taking pictures, etc-- all need about 3-4 hours. It means I have to anticipate myself to get secured by my friend's ride otherwise I got to take a cab and it's dangerous for my safety and wallet since my house is so far and the cab could be sooooo expensive to reach my house from South Jakarta.
Last but not least is the flood! I'm living about 10 minutes near Kelapa Gading, the riskiest area of flood in Jakarta. My area is thankfully safe from flood last February, but everything is so unpredictable in Jakarta. The problem is because of so many buildings that being built in highland areas and deforestated it badly, especially in Kelapa Gading district. I have to pass Kelapa Gading on my way to my office, and I used to get so afraid and panic everytime its rainy. Flood in Kelapa Gading means you can't go working (the office closed, yay!!), but you can't go anywhere either, including runaway and get some foods to eat.
So, here I am now, the longer I stand here, the deeper I go underground.. there's too much panic in this town!! H.E.L.P!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
...the story of a daily sh*t.
Here she is, a twenty something woman who used to sits behind the spacious desk with a big flat screen monitor and high spec processor of Mac, black and compact notebook on its left and big blue colored tablet on its right. She always sits on this blue pattern wide chair-- she would rather like to adjust her chair with that 30 degrees position so that she could feels her back comfortable than to make it high like her boss did.
At 7.45, she turns on her UPS, her notebook and Mac just seconds after. She types her password on her notebook, and waits until the Windows asks her to confirm it once again. She goes to the break corner for breakfast-- she likes to eat cereals with plain milk or a cup of hot Milo to succeed her new year resolution for healthy living after spending one full past year of no breakfast. Cheezy chit-chats with office mates is enough to makes her sick before working, so she goes back to her desk to starts her daily shits.
It's 8 o'clock, and work should be started. She HAS to start her work. But she didn't. She used to starts her job by checking emails, friendster, click meebo for IM-ing on her notebook. She loves to buzz her buddies to say hi or have some little chats, and she loves how her buddies keep greeting her every morning just to say 'keep your spirit and have a nice day'.
She clicks the 2 main software icons on her Mac dock, and she tries to find out where did she put her previous work files on her desktop folder. The files appeared, and she starts reviewing her latest revisions. She works with her tablet and tries to be high concentrated to her work. Her eyes blink frequently, more often than normal because of the radiation of the bright big screen. Minutes and hours left. She sighs, and she's hungry. It's still 9.30, and it's not tea break already. The office girl called and ask her what does she want to eat for lunch. She says she wants rice with fried spicy chicken and tofu-- she sometimes go to the mall to have some lunch variations, but not for today, she says. She looks on her notebook screen and sees some windows appear on meebo, calling for her. She answers it all, then says 'I'll be right back'.
She couldn't help her hunger. She goes to break corner to have a cup of tea-- and sees 2 boxes of snacks for tea break. Yeah! This is what she's looking for. She opens the box and finds her favorite snack on it. Yellowish pasta with egg and vegetable on it for today-- better eat it with chilli sauce. Perfect!! Break corner is full of hungry labours now, so she better back to her desk to continue her work.
She holds her tablet again and starts to focus on her revisions. Oh it's suck, she says. Everyone would agree if the previous design is much much better than the new refined ones. Ah, what the heck. She has to make it done to be presented to her boss after lunch break. But she doesn't have any idea for her work revision-- and she needs some inspirations from design sites on the internet. So she browses some interesting design sites by reference, and meebo-ing while waiting the loading site.
12 o'clock, time to have some heavy meals. She eats her order meals and goes to musholla after that. She goes to her desk and back for working, browsing and.. chatting. It is very important to socialize in the middle of exhausting time. We are not a robot, aren't we? Time passes by until she doesn't realize that it's 5 pm already. That is the time when she has to decide: is she going to back home or overtime?
No, thank you. She won't have overtime, she says. She has an appointment to spend quality times with her private life after office hour. That's what she likes most. She loves it, she loves her life, she loves herself, she loves her private life and she wouldn't waste her precious time, ANYMORE.
And there it goes, time passes by and the story repeats from Monday to Friday... with the same daily shits. That's why she loves Saturday and Sunday-- she wouldn't found the same stories as she has always had on the other days..
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Work Hard a Hard Work!
Ingin rasanya saya berteriak dan memuncratkan buih-buih liur ketika semua perjuangan itu dimatikan oleh kata 'tidak'.
Ingin rasanya saya menjerit di hadapan muka mereka dan berkata 'tau apa sih lo 'nyet???'
Ingin rasanya saya menyalahi nasib yang memaksa untuk merelakan detik-detik 'hidup' yang berharga dan hanya dibayar dengan gelengan kepala.
Siapa bilang jadi desainer itu gampang??!!
Huaahhh, gila.. bener banget apa kata orang tua saya waktu saya masih ABG, "Semakin tua, masalah yang akan kamu hadapi semakin banyak!". Begitu masa bodohnya saya saat itu, yang ada di pikiran hanya, "Alahhh, gue masih muda ini, ribet amat sih?!"
Dan bener juga apa kata mereka waktu saya masih suka merengek-rengek minta permen dan sering buang-buang makanan, "Cari duit itu susah!". Naif bener saya saat itu, dipikir cari duit itu semudah pengemis nongkrong di pinggir jalan sambil pura-pura sedih, dan duit cepek-an pun datang bertubi-tubi. Tapi semakin dewasa saya semakin menyadari, bahwa cari duit seperak aja perlu usaha- apalagi cari duit untuk bisa hidup dengan layak.
Saya juga gak pernah lupa apa kata ayah saya waktu saya bilang bahwa hidup itu ternyata susah. "Hidup itu sebenarnya tidak sulit, yang sulit itu adalah bagaimana kita menjalani kehidupan dengan bijak dan penuh tanggung jawab.."
Benar juga kalimat klise ini: Hidup adalah sebuah proses. Hidup itu perjuangan.
Sekarang-- saya sadar bahwa saya sudah bukan ABG lagi. Kini saya sedang menghadapi fase dimana saya harus bekerja keras untuk bertahan di pekerjaan yang keras ini-- dengan berbagai masalah dan suka duka di dalamnya. Ternyata 'cari duit' itu susah, itulah yang membuat saya menghargai setiap butir nasi yang saya makan, karena itu sebanding dengan butiran keringat yang saya keluarkan untuk mendapatkannya.
Dan tak hanya sekali; saya pun terhenyak dan tertampar dengan pernyataan; bahwa menjalani kehidupan dengan bijak dan penuh tanggung jawab itu luar biasa sulitnya.
Semakin lama saya menjalani proses berkarir, semakin besar perjuangan yang harus saya lakukan. Semakin banyak 'buah' yang saya hasilkan, semakin besar tanggung jawab yang harus saya pegang dengan bijak.
Sekali lagi, siapa bilang jadi desainer itu gampang, nyet?!
Here life goes; work hard a hard work.
Friday, February 16, 2007
I miss the old days!
If only I could turn back time, I would go back especially to these moments:
My gorgeous and awesome high school time (God, it was EXCELLENTLY GREAT indeed!!), fun and hectic internship moment at Lowe Indonesia (had lots of experiences down there!), then my great and terrific college days (got so many 'challenging adventures' to have)..
I miss every second of my past, I mean it, and I really do. Oh, if only I could turn back every single second of my time.. Well, I know it's impossible, but at least photograph and brain could always rewinds a thousand memories of it :)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
New Rising Stars*
So, what do you expect for a film that only have 3 days of shooting and editing with no budget at all? Okay, 3 days; two days for shooting, and one day for editing-- in the middle of other riotous official projects on the desk. As a nonprofessional filmmaker with no capable filmmaking equipment, no budget and no professional acting skill, we even had no idea how this film is going to be.
But then voila! These are a few pics of our film-- bet you guys will be surprised with all the casts!! They will be the new rising stars of the century, and you would down on bended knees hoping for their pics and autograph, ha-ha! XD
[to be continued..]
Don't be fooled by the horrible and awful cast. In reality, all of the actors and actresses are gorgeous and worth to be admired ;p
(PS. Look at the 4th picture- the poor and starving homeless girl who's ready to trash picking; looking for some foods- her act was undoubtedly great. I bet she's going to be a new Julia Roberts in the future. Yes, she is the next Academy Award winner!!)
Hahaha. :P
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Atas permintaan dari seorang teman, khusus untuk postingan saya berikut ini saya akan pakai Bahasa Indonesia (biar lebih kerasa emosinya- dia bilang).
Suatu hari, salah seorang teman terbaik saya waktu kuliah tiba-tiba saja bilang begini:
“Tau gak sih lo ma, dulu gue pikir lo anaknya jutek.. eh tapi ternyata enggak, hehehee..”
“Maksud lo??”
“Iya, dulu waktu gue pertama kali liat lo, kesan pertama gue ngeliat lo tuh gue pikir lo orangnya jutek, sombong, dan suka pilih-pilih temen.. Kesannya lo tuh kayak cewek2 yang cuman mau temenan sama orang2 dari kalangan tertentu doang.. Ya gak tau ya.. kayaknya dari penampilan dan gaya pakaian lo aja gitu.. dan emang waktu jaman itu kan lo maennya ma gank nya des*y, in*, an*n, f*ra... mereka kan cewek-cewek gaya.. trus gue pikir lo anak Jakarta yang hedon sampe akhirnya gue kenal lo dan akhirnya tau deh kalo ternyata lo anak Bandung yang rajin sholat di arsitek..”
Saya saat itu bener-bener gak abis pikir kenapa teman saya ini bilang saya suka pilih-pilih teman lewat cara berpakaian dan pertemanan saya. Dan dia dulu mengira saya anak Jakarta yang hedon (????). Maksudnyahh??
“bla..bla..bla.. tapi ternyata pas udah kenal lo ternyata lo orangnya ramah, seru, trus gak pilih-pilih temen, bla bla bla…”
Yea rite.
Ada lagi sebuah percakapan ketika saya sedang dibonceng pulang kantor oleh seorang teman- yang mana saat itu kami sama-sama budek karena pake helm plus suara jalanan dan bunyi motor yang berisik sehingga sesekali terjadi miscommunication--
“ ... iya gitu, kalo saya liat sih kayaknya kamu emang masih belum dewasa…”
“Iya, dari cara berpakaian kamu.. keliatan aja masih belum dewasa..”
Lagi-lagi penilaian melalui cara berpakaian saya. “Emang cara berpakaian saya kenapa? Kok bisa dibilang keliatan masih belum dewasa??”
“Ya kamu kan sehari-hari ke kantor cuman pake kaos sama jeans doang.. Ya kamu coba deh sekali-sekali ke kantor pake baju rapi.. kemeja, blazer, rok gitu.. pasti keliatan lebih dewasa..”
OK. Kantor saya di pinggiran kampung yang panasnya amit-amit, debunya gak karuan dan setiap hari harus pake seragam kantor berupa kemeja putih yang sama sekali tidak nyaman dan membosankan. Kalo kantor saya di Sudirman tentunya gaya berpakaian saya gak bakal gembel kayak begini.
“Ooohh, jadi yang dari tadi kamu tangkep itu dewasa secara fisik ya.. dari tadi tuh saya ngomong soal kedewasaan pikiran dan mental!!”
“Iya, saya ngerti.. itu juga maksud saya.. gaya berpakaian kamu tuh bikin kesannya kamu masih main-main dan belum bisa serius dan dewasa.. “
“Lho, tapi kan yang namanya kedewasaan itu datengnya dari dalem.. dari pola pikir, dari tindakan, dari cara dia memecahkan masalah, dari…”
“Ya kalo udah ngobrol sih keliatan kalo kamu itu dewasa banget dan kadang bisa lebih dewasa dari saya…”
Pepatah yang bilang jangan menilai buku dari sampulnya atau jangan menilai orang dari penampilan luarnya- dan kedua kasus saya ini (dan beberapa kasus serupa lain yang terjadi pada saya) membuat saya semakin menyadari bahwa bagaimanapun manusia tidak bisa lepas dari penilaian luar.
Walaupun terus terang secara pribadi saya sendiri merasa jengkel dengan penilaian orang-orang tersebut terhadap saya itu, saya juga gak mau munafik sih, saya juga melakukan hal yang sama terhadap orang lain dan kadang akhirnya saya tersadar bahwa kepribadian orang tersebut tidak seperti persepsi saya terhadap penampilan atau pada kesan pertama ketika saya melihat dia.
Saya pernah punya teman yang penampilannya terlihat rapi, sopan dan baik ternyata brengsek dan kurang ajar. Malah sebaliknya, ada yang terlihat brengsek dan kurang ajar ternyata baik dan sopan- rajin sholat dan pinter ngaji pula. Wehehe.
Nah, yang terakhir ini adalah kejadian persiissss satu hari yang lalu-- waktu saya sedang beli nasi goreng untuk buka puasa di kaki lima seberang jalan komplek kosan saya. Karena sudah lapar luar biasa, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk makan nasi goreng di kaki lima itu sehingga sesampainya di kosan saya tinggal sholat, mandi dan berleha-leha. Nah, karena saya makan sendirian dan suasana saat itu sepi, akhirnya saya ajak si mbak-mbak penjual nasi goreng itu ngobrol. Setelah cukup lama ngobrol akhirnya si mbak-mbak ini bertanya:
" ... lha mbak ini pulang kuliah toh?" Dari logatnya bisa dipastikan si mbak ini orang Jawa.
"Nggak, pulang kerja.."
"Oh, kuliahne' sambil kerdja ghitu?"
"Enggak, udah lulus.. sekarang udah kerja.."
"Lho emang mbak umurnya berapa?"
"20 ya? ya 20-21 dhe.."
"Emang keliatannya umur segitu ya? hihihihiiii.. saya 24 mbak, Oktober tahun ini 25 deh..." Tentunya saya udah cengar-cengir kegeeran aja.. aduh ternyata saya awet muda yakkk, hehehe.. Tapi menyebut kalimat terakhir, tiba-tiba saya jadi sedih. Huhu, udah mau 25 aja..
"HAAAHHHH????" Si mbak-mbak njowo ini tampak sangat shock dan kaget.. Wah kalian benar-benar harus lihat langsung deh tampang si mbak ini waktu tahu umur saya 24.. Bener-bener kaget! Saya sih cuman bisa nyengir seneng aja dibilang masih seperti anak kuliah berumur 20-21, hihihi...
"Lahiran 82 tho mbak? Lha aku adja lahiran 84 kok.."
"Haaahhhhh??" Nah, giliran saya yang kaget, padahal awalnya saya sangka si mbak ini kelahiran tahun '79.
Ngobrol ngalor-ngidul sana-sini lagi, si mbak kemudian nanya saya lagi,
"Aslinya orang mana tho mbak?"
"Mmmh, Batak bukan.. Padang bukan.. apa ya.. dari ngomongnya sih kayaknya Maluku.."
"Hahhhh???? Maluku???? Kok Maluku sihhh???????" Sialan, baru kali ini seumur hidup saya ada orang yang bilang saya orang Maluku!!
"Ya dhari ngomongnya sih, soalnya waktu itu pernah adha orang Maluku yang makan dhisini, ngomongnya sama kayak mbak, cepet ghitu.. tapi dari mukanya sih... Jawa ya?"
Phhffieww.. udah kaget aja saya dibilang orang Maluku.. ternyata si mbak ini polos dan naif sekali, mengeneralisir orang yang ngomongnya cepat sebagai orang Maluku. Tapi dia bilang muka saya Jawa. Agak meleset sedikit sih, padahal saya ada Sundanya. Tapi saya sendiri mengakui kok kalau gen ayah saya lebih kuat, jadi saya lebih terasa Jawa daripada Sundanya.
Lalu si mbak ini nanya saya lagi, "Mbak anak ke berapa tho?"
"Lha kok saya dhisuruh nebak terosh, ya ndak tau.."
"Ya justru itu, saya pengen tau kalo orang baru kenal saya pertama kali, orang bakal nebak saya anak ke berapa.. kalo udah kenal saya kan orang udah tau saya anak ke berapa.."
"Ooo.. yang jhelas sih kalo anak pertama ya ndhak mungkin ya.."
"Kenapa gak mungkin?"
"Ya ndhak mungkin! Kalo anak pertama tuh pasti bhiasanya mukanya serius, orangnya ndewasaa, ghitu.. Lha kalo mbak kan sepertinya orangnya ceria, main-main, dan mandja ghitu.. pasti kalo saya bilang sih mbak anak ke dhuwa, atau bwontot lha.."
"Ooo.. gitu.." Saya pun terdiam beberapa saat, menunggu apakah dia akan menambahkan 'analisa'nya, sampai akhirnya saya bilang, " Tapi saya anak pertama lho, mbak..."
"HAAAAHHHHH??????" Lagi-lagi si mbak-mbak ini shock sampai matanya mau keluar, persisss seperti waktu dia kaget begitu tahu umur asli saya...
Penampilan bisa menipu… Hal itulah yang akhirnya membuat saya berpikir bahwa idealnya sih, akan lebih baik jika kita menilai seseorang setelah kita benar-benar mengenal orang tersebut.
Jadi, kenali saya dulu, baru boleh menilai saya :)
Monday, December 18, 2006
New Year, New Me.Tic.. toc.. tic.. toc..
God, I can’t help my self of those boring jobs on my desk anymore! But I’m going to have a Christmas and New Year holiday starts from 23 December 2006 to 2 January 2007, and I’m gonna spend my days in LONDON!!!!! YEAHHH!!!
Sure it was a lie. Okay, just another dreams of mine. Ha-ha.
London is the place where I always really want to go to, and I’m promise my self that I’ll be there, stepping my foot above the land. Sooner, or later. *crossing fingers*
Anyway, 2007 is about to come, and I honestly have some personal targets to be achieved. Have been thinking about it after had a quite serious self-evaluation of my personal 2006 resolutions-- then I realized that some of my next year targets are more perfectly called as a LIFE REVOLUTION rather than a resolution.
I personally consider it as a big life challenge and it may take some risks, and I honestly have a great hesitation, “AM I REALLY GOING TO DO THAT???”
However, some people say that life is about taking a risk. Humm.. just wait until the end of 2007 and let see whether I really have done the big life revolution or even not at all, haha. Bismillah, lillahi ta’ala.
Okay then, just wanna say have a nice holiday for you guys (What? Your company doesn’t allow its staff to have a long New Year holiday?? Poor you, lalalala, hahaha..)
And it’s time for me to take a flight to London; my plane is about to take off this evening (in my dream). Happy New Year everyone!!!! :)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
It was not only just once- but believe me- hundred million times— since I was in college people used to ask me this:
“ What have you learned in this college so far? Bet you don’t have to study too hard like us- you’re only do drawing, right? Gee, studying in art and design faculty must be so fun!”
Only do drawing you say?!
They didn’t know that there were mmmmilllion assignments to be done and spent lots of time only for making those artworks to be APPRECIATABLE. And it was not just a drawing, bottom line. Where did you put the word of CONCEPT?
Fun, YES indeed. True, we didn't do math, calculus, physics or chemistry like those in science and technology faculties, but please recall yourself for not underestimate of what an art and design faculty student has done for 4 years or more in college.
“What is your job desc on your work? Oh, graphic designing. Ha?? Was it that hard so that you frequently should have overtime- working 18 hours a day or more
Did I mishear or something? No, I think since it was a hundred million times question directly to me- I believe that my ears work correctly. Working in design is not that easy- let me repeat it please- it-is-NOT-easy!!
Designing is like a long long road to pass through, and you never know when and how great idea comes up on your brain to create a great design. And on this professional world, you got to think how to create a great design that could be ACCEPTED by those –bad sense of art- CLIENTS (sorry Misters, but you are), assure and recommend them the best design (which is really hard because of their conventional way of thinking- sometimes), and the most important thing is- to be accepted and APPRECIATED by public a.k.a consumers.
And we got to have overtime, over and over again, doing meetings, revision,
Okay, gotta stop sighing. Got to remember this verse. "Then which of the favours of your Lord, will ye deny?" [ArRahman 55]
Can’t wait for x'mas and new year holidaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Life is simple, but not that simple. Love is wonderful, yet sometimes painful. To live a life with love is a liberty, but to live a love in life is not always be an eternity. The point is, love and life depends on fate and destiny with a bit of luck and… sacrifice.
Anyway, well, this must be a little sensitive though (let me repeat: SENSITIVE, so, I apologize), but here I would share some stories about this never ending sensitive case of love and life.
She’s a Muslim, and he’s a Christian. They’ve been together for a very long time and will get married soon. She will always be a Muslim, and he will always be a Christian. End of story, yet still complicated.
She’s a Muslim, and he’s a Christian. They’ve been together even much longer than the first couple. She will always be a Muslim, and he will always be a Christian. The story still goes and not yet ended. Clashes and contradictions between both of their family still disturb their future.
NO, I don’t and never ever mean to be rude- it is none of my business. Yes, it is NONE of my business. But…
Been there. Almost done that. It’s complicated.
The freedom of faith is absolutely a self authorization, yet still be- sometimes and even mostly- a family ‘prerogative thing’ of principle life beliefs. Yet, it IS also an absolute principle thing for each person to be committed directly to God though. Hummm…
End of story. It's complicated..
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Self Dialogue
Dear ME,
Do you remember, Mother used to say that 24 years ago, she was struggling against death and the pain for giving you a chance to see the world? Yes, I remember. She said that it was the greatest experience she has ever had, having me as her first child.
Do you remember, your parents used to say that you were the most beloved person in family? Yes, they told me about it million times. It’s all because I’m the eldest great-great-grandchild, the eldest great-grandchild, the eldest grandchild, and the eldest children on my family.
Do you remember, when you were 13 you started to fall in love- you had some puppy love but you were so scared because your father would be really angry if you have a boyfriend at that time? Yes, oh... those sweet little boys. They were just only could call me by phone pretending to ask the homework.
Do you remember, at 15 you were really-really fall in love for the first time and got your heartbroken for the first time either? Yes, we had spent our time together for a while but we were too naive to understand what a relationship is all about.
Do you remember, your parents were so angry with you because you got lots of bad marks on your high school? Yes, my high school moment was so gorgeous. But I was too busy with my teenage world so I had missed the lessons a lot.
Do you remember, your parents were so happy for you when you were accepted at ITB and so proud of you when you were graduated with a good predicate? Yes, the tears of happiness fell down and prayers recited from their heart, wishing me a bright future.
Do you remember, last year you were full of confusions about your love, life and carrier; and your parents patiently gave you lots of advice and wisdoms? Yes, and now I’m not in doubt anymore. Their support is always reminds me to be thankful for all the blessing gift of Allah and to be optimist to see the future.
And here you are, dear me. 24 years is like a long road you had been passed through. Yes I am, dear me. And what I have to do is to thank Allah for everything. My apology for sighing and complaining too much, yes I do believe that The Almighty knows what the best for me is. And He has given me all the best for me on the best way and the best moment too.
Happy 24 years, dear me. Now let’s look forward and pass through the rest of your road until The One calls you to heaven. Thank you, dear me. May Allah’s bless be with me always…
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Women are from Venus, Men are from... sh*t.
One day, at a warm and lovely living room in a sweet little house in Bandung.
There was a girl, lying lazily on her favorite sofa— a broken yellow colored comfortable long chair with two little pillows on it- watching television while chewing her favorite spicy snack and pretended to forget her diet.
Next on her left, there was her mother, wearing her blue flower pattern house dress, sitting on the same sofa with her second daughter who had just back from her college class.
Their eyes were watching to the same thing; a gossip show on the TV reporting some celebrities and a famous government official who had just divorced after been living peacefully with their wife for more than 20 years. The hottest news was about the Secretary of State- a fifty something old man who had divorced his 23 years marriage wife because he had his second marriage with a 19 year old girl, which is much younger than his son.
“Oh, shame on him! Yusril Ihza Mahendra used to be my idol, remember? I chose him on the last election; I thought he was so charismatic and responsible in every aspects! Oh my God, after 23 years of marriage he meant to divorce her wife just because of THAT 19 year old girl??” Still on her seat, her mother was in a great shock- she couldn’t believe what she had heard.
“WHAT? Is that true, Mom? Oh my God, I thought it was about his eldest son wedding! I thought his eldest son who had just married! I don’t get it!” The girl was so surprised and regretted- she had missed the news climax because she was too concentrated to the spicy snack on her hand.
“Ohhh... he begins to be so disgusting to me! Look at his new wife! She’s even younger than his eldest son! She is younger than me, Mother! Just imagine, that man is as old as Dad—and he marry a girl younger than me? Give me a break!” Her sister yelled emotionally commenting the news.
The screen showed some captions about the Secretary of State wedding, his broken hearted wife and the narrator seemed to provoke the audience to criticize it emotionally. The screen changed to the host- a pretty woman with mysterious face and frightening eyes- reporting some other celebrities who also have the same case with that old man.
“…and who doesn’t know about Ray Sahetapi? He also had successfully fill the entertainment news some moments a go, surprising and disappointing his fans by divorcing his 26 years of marriage wife, Dewi Yull and marry this woman (Ray Sahetapi’s new wife picture showed). And NOW, the most shocking news comes from this charismatic entertainer we’ve ever had; the very well known quiz presenter Koes Hendratmo. Who has ever thought that he would divorce his wife after 41 years of beautiful marriage? Rumors said that he is now in a relationship with a stewardess (Koes Hendratmo interviewed, some video captions showed on the screen)...........”
“What a world. Everyone turns to be insane! 41 years of marriage! Oh God. And hey, he IS NOT young anymore! He had forgotten his 41 years lovely moment just for a short time. I don’t get it. What else is he looking for? He supposed to realize that his life won’t be long anymore since he is more than 60 right now!” Once again, her mother was terribly shocked and tried to believe what she had heard about this ladies and housewives idol.
The girl was so speechless. She began to hate men. “Do I have to be a lesbian?” She thought. No. Of course not, she was just joking. A cynical joke. A pathetic thought. But the show had made her think that men are made from shit. Men have no heart- they are mean, and the most terrible thing inside her head was, never ever trust men.
Now, what she really need is something-- or A REAL MAN that could prove her thought about men was wrong…
Monday, September 04, 2006
I’m a toothless grandma!!
I have messy teeth. My upper jaw is a little bit too far from my lower jaw, and my front lower jaw teeth are a bit messy. Last week I went to the dentist and installed braces (a wire device fitted in the mouth to straighten the teeth) to tidy it up. Honestly, my private dentist had been asking me thousand times since I was in elementary, but everything is about money though. Installing braces is quiet expensive, so after one year of saving money (ha-ha) I decided to make it.
Anyhow, when my dentist asked me to choose what rubber color I want to wear on my braces, I chose the black one. He actually showed me some rubber colors, there were pink, blue, yellow, green, and so on—but I did chose black because I was thinking that other colors are too fancy and coquettish, while black is going to look cool—my thought that day.Then voila. Please do not laugh at me because I do actually shock on my own looking my face like a toothless granny, ha ha ha!! Till now, I regreted to have chosen the black one— Rule number one; black supposed to be cool, but not every black is cool. It doesn't look that cool on braces!! A friend of mine who used to wear braces told me not to wear red, green and yellow because it's gonna look like a slipped food. Promise you that I’ll wear the pink one next month.
PS. Installing braces on your teeth means you couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep and couldn’t speak with good articulation for weeks. Aaarrgghh.. it hurts!!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Standing on Citra Pariwara stage as the award winner and holding the trophy is one of my dreams. Last month, I was trying to make it come true by participating Daun Muda Award, one of Citra Pariwara category particularly for fresh art director and copywriter.
A friend of mine recommended me to Lala, a copywriter of an advertising agency called Chuo Senko Indonesia— thanks to Yahoo Messenger, minutes later we became partner and arranged an appointment of meeting for brainstorming. Firstly met for a basic brief and a –tying to craft great ideas but failed— I found that Lala was as excited as me to win this award, and after lots of conversation we had, I believe that we are going to be a good team- I suppose.
2 weeks to deadline. It seemed long enough to prepare the concept and ideas—but damn, life is simple— but not that simple. Lala was sooo busy, and so was I. So, we just only can use telephone, email and Y!M to share ideas and discuss. She was preparing a pitch and presentation for these whole 2 weeks, and I was busy for my product launching.
We were deadly panic because we haven’t got any great ideas [that we believe could make the juries say FU*K!!] until about 3 days before deadline. Still, Lala was goddamn seriously busy so that she stayed overnight at her office for 2 days *OMG!!*. But, believe me, great ideas sometimes popping up on the brain at the last minutes. After whole midnights of brainstorming on the phone [Lala called me from her office from 10pm to 2am almost for 3 nights] and one day of fail photo session, we finally got the answer precisely on the last hours before deadline. We both like the ideas, even her Creative Director said that with this concept, we got a big chance to win *Amen*.
Due to our big ambition to win, surely we both couldn’t sleep peacefully before the announcement day. 10 couple finalists will be announced, and they will attending the workshop for 2 days to “fight” and the best of them will surely be the winner of Daun Muda Award, standing on Citra Pariwara stage, proudly holding high the trophy and fly to Pattaya.
Then, yesterday was the announcement day. No. Between the 10 couples of art director and copywriter name, there is no Ilma and Lala name on it. Dissapointed. What we saw on it was the name of some college friends of mine. Devastated. The award doesn’t go to me……
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
To all the guys I've loved before…
For those who had cared for me, for those whom I've shared my life with, for those who had helped me to grow:
Too bad, we weren’t meant to be…
Hey, YOU! The guy who’s reading this post right now! What made you think this post is for you?!
Nevertheless, nothing else but thanks…
[Hey, how’s life?]
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Today, a year ago...
8 August 2005
06.00 AM.
This is my first day. I can’t describe how I really feel right now. Do I feel excited? Hum, well I guess I’m pretty much curious than being excited. So, how it is going to be? Remember Ilma, this is Honda, not an advertising agency. It’s in Tipar Cakung, not Sudirman. You are going to do automotive design stuffs, not print ad or TV commercial things. What do you expect?
Okay, let’s see. It might not be as bad as what you were thinking. No worries, The One will always lead the way.
Hhhmm.. I think I’m gonna wear this white formal cloth and match it with this black pants. Oh, this black leather bag would be good to be matched with this dark brown shoe. I couldn’t believe what I see right now on the mirror. What a dress- can’t believe that I’m about to be a real carrier woman. Gee—it’s not me, ha-ha. Enough, this is my first day. I ought to be well prepared.
07.00 AM.
What a ggreaatttt morning to start the day. Urrggghhh… I hate Jakarta already!!! May I see Jakarta without traffic jam just for once???!!! I couldn’t understand, how could Honda Southeast Asia be located in such ‘unbelievable’ place? Oh C’mon, do not grumble too much, Ilma. This is your first time, later you won’t be shocked anymore. Okay, that’s enough. Let start your first day with nice smile and good attitude :)
08.00 AM.
So, this is it. The one that really prestigious for Product Designer (and Graphic Designer also? Ah, I don’t care). Hhumm, not bad. I enter this huge full white colored building with five red big letters on it. God, I don’t even dare to compare the interior design with the advertising agency where I did my internship at. If I do, imagine how many insulting words will come from my mouth! *Oops*. I mean it’s soooo formal and boring. Oh I forgot.. This is Honda, not advertising agency. My apology for being so senile.
Okay, so today is about introduction matters like staff members, regulations and of course my job description. Maaaannn… it’s all about automotive design stuffs. Oh I couldn’t imagine how long I would stay for being occupied here— working as a designer for that automotive thing and working with those ugly monkeys (Dito, Fareza, Rantaw, the three brothers from Product Design who used to be friends of mine since I was in college and firstly working on the same day with me) are gonna seriously make my self crazy. Aaarrgghh…
17.00 PM.
What an awkward day. It passed really slow. I think I got to have a really really hard adaptation here. Ah, never mind. I wouldn’t be working here for more than 3 months—I even think that I’m going to resign on my first month. Well, I think maybe I’m going to work as an art director of an advertising agency, or a graphic designer of a branding consultant, or take a Master Degree abroad or maybe getting married and rise up my kids as a housewife. Otherwise, maybe I would stay here because it is much better than what I have expected.
Well, let’s see. Let time answers everything. Let Him show me the way.
8 August 2006
06.00 AM.
This is my first year. I can’t describe how I really feel right now. Do I feel excited? Hum, well I guess I’m pretty much surprised than being excited. So, how it was? Remember Ilma, this is Honda, not an advertising agency. It’s in Tipar Cakung, not Sudirman. You are doing automotive design stuffs, not print ad or TV commercial things. What did you expect?
Okay, you see. It is not as bad as what you were thinking. No worries, The One has leaded you the way.
Hhhmm.. I think I’m gonna wear my favorite white T-shirt and match it with this dark blue jean. Oh, this white red colored bag would be good to be matched with my favorite white Converse shoe. I couldn’t believe what I see right now on the mirror. What a dress- can’t believe that I’m a real carrier woman. Well—it’s me, ha-ha. Enough, this is not my first day. I habitually am so prepared.
07.00 AM.
What a ggreaatttt morning to start the day. Ohhhhh… I love Jakarta already!!! I’ve never seen Jakarta without traffic jam just for once, but that’s fine. But I still couldn’t understand, how could Honda Southeast Asia be located in such ‘unbelievable’ place? Oh C’mon, do not grumble too much, Ilma. This is not your first time, so you aren’t shocked anymore. Okay, that’s enough. Let start your first year with nice smile and good attitude :)
08.00 AM.
So, this is it. The one that really prestigious for Product Designer (and Graphic Designer also? Ah, I don’t care). Hhumm, not bad. I enter this huge full white colored building with five red big letters on it. God, I don’t even dare to compare the interior design with the advertising agency where I did my internship at. If I do, imagine how many insulting words will come from my mouth! *Oops*. I mean it’s soooo formal and boring. But I don’t forget.. This is Honda, not advertising agency. No apology for being so senile.
Okay, so today is about project matters like meetings, discussing and of course designing. Maaaannn… it’s all about automotive design stuffs. Oh I couldn’t imagine this long I could stay for being occupied here— working as a designer for that automotive thing and working with those ugly monkeys (Dito, Fareza, Rantaw, Godman, the four brothers from Product Design who used to be friends of mine since I was in college and firstly working on the same day with me except Godman, he started 3 months after) are getting more seriously make my self crazy. Aaarrgghh…
17.00 PM.
What an ordinary day. It passed really fast. I think I’ve had a really really hard adaptation here. Ah, never mind. I wouldn’t be working here for more than 3 years—I even previously used to think that I’m going to resign on my first month. Well, I thought maybe I’m going to work as an art director of an advertising agency, or a graphic designer of a branding consultant, or take a Master Degree abroad or maybe getting married and rise up my kids as a housewife. Otherwise, maybe I would stay here because it is much better than what I have expected.
Well, let’s see. Let time answers everything. Let Him show me the way.
*So far.. yeaahh... it's even much better than what I've been thinking!! ^_^*
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
These are a few of my imaginations [all came from a daydreaming on this damn boring working hours *yawning*]:
1. If only I was a color, I would be white.
2. If only I was a shoe, I would be a white colored Converse All Star.

Great! I really like this style, especially if I match it with my white Converse All Star. Awesome. Casual, simple, but sexy.
Well, I actually prefer jazz or soul as my music genre, but then I reconsider it and made up my mind. Rock-alternative bands like Weezer, Foo Fighters, Third Eye Blind, Silverchair and so on are the right bands that could exactly reflect my character and personality. Yet, sometimes I could be easy listening too. ;p

If only.. If only… If only…I would… I would… I would…
There are still hundreds of ‘If only and I would’ on my mind.. But my boss is currently standing and looking at me right on my back so.. BACK TO WORK!!!! *Hi Boss, nice tie-- you look great today.. Hehe.. Oh, I've just downloaded some pics for new ideas and inspirations for our next project, heheheheee…*
Pfhieww... Hey, what about you anyway???
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Please. It wasn’t me!!! Thank you very much.
Just a few days ago on my lunch break time, just checked—wondering whether it’s being recorded or not---I leisurely opened that fastest search machine called google and typed my one and only blog name—ilmaffectional then hit the search button.
As fast as the local area connection speed, the result of my search appeared on my monitor and I can easily found some posts related to my blog. There were about 5 pages of result— be pleased if you guys want to try — mostly were about my own post or the comment I’ve dropped to others that had already linked to mine.
There was nothing special in particular actually, until I found something weird on the last page:
Nothing more I can do except being shocked—I was like, “ Hellooo… ilmaffectional? It was like one in a million name —going to give you thousands bucks if you could find a similar name all over the world!” So what this name stands for??? A porn site using my name??? Or my photograph??? Gimme a break!
Surely I was in a great shock and curiosity upon this. I clicked the address site and found that it was a real porn site which is being blocked— have no idea with it--- but there was my blog name—once again, ilmaffectional—in the middle of that rude porn topics shouted on the site.
I was absolutely had no idea at all—I was just being so upset, and I once again checked if it was appeared on Yahoo! too.
And voila. Once again, ilmaffectional appears on some (yes, it was more than one) 'weird' sites.
FU*KKKKKKKK!! God, help me.
I remembered that I uploaded some of my pics for a post titled ilmamorphosis*)---- I do really afraid that there was an irresponsible person who has took advantage of it—used it, manipulated it with someone’s undressed body and propagated it on internet. DAMN.
I’ve been helped by a friend of mine for tracing this—he actually hasn’t found anything related to me on the porn sites. BUT, if you guys accidentally found porn sites using ilmaffectional or my face----- BELIEVE ME, IT WASN’T ME.
Monday, June 26, 2006
My "pregnancy"
Once again, another reason why I gotta think hundred million times before deciding to move out from this f***ing HONDA...
I am "falling in love".
And I am happily "pregnant".
NO. What I meant was...
Alhamdulillaahi rabbil 'alamiiiiinnnn!!!! ^_^
Monday, June 12, 2006
Wedding Party
Lately, weekend means wedding invitation for me. And lately, wedding has been the most spoken word on my daily conversation around-—or I may say that I guess it become the hottest issue for twenty something people regarding to that bla bla blahs quarter life crisis theory—- and even as the most annoying common irritating question theme by those who had been into marriage a.k.a parents and even coupled neighbors *d*mn you, yes I’m single-- so what?!?!*
Urgh, I just don’t get why this “So darling, when will you get married?” was become the most favorite line for mocking us—as if they pretend not to know that it being the most irritating question for us—single twenty something person who’s still learn to see the world! Oh yes, that question was such a biggest fear for us to be asked! WTF!
One thing I’ve learned from my pal was; if you are being asked with that question, just simply answer… MAY. MAY be soon, MAY be later. Hahaha!
Speaking about the wedding, I met some of my high school mates last Wednesday. With a cup of coffee and cigars in an uproar France atmosphere wanna be café afterhours, a friend of mine who’s been engaged since she was in college told us about her wedding plan. Asking her when she would get married, she answered, “Well, I won’t tell you when I’m married. You’ll know soon after I get married. I mean— I wouldn’t have a wedding party. I just want to have a simple marriage ceremony; no wedding party in particular. I would only invite my closest colleagues and wouldn’t tell anybody—guess that wedding party is not that important for me—“
Some of my other friends have their own unique wedding party dream. Wedding party in a lovely strawberry garden, in a football field, in Mecca, or even bungee jumping wedding *maann, it’s too much, hahaha!*.
Well, about me, humm… Wedding spot? Oh, it could be arranged later. Wedding day? Oh, okay… it will be confirmed later, just hold on. Wedding dress? Oh, my talented fashion designer friend would design it especially for me. Wedding invitation card… Oh, well… helloo… I’m a graphic designer—sure I’ll do design it by myself. Wedding decoration… Oh dear you guys from interior design, product design and fine art… I believe in your perfect talent!(yuhuuuu…hahaha). Wedding singer? Oh, yes… my high school pal celebrity Mario Kahitna would handle it (for your information, I’ve asked him already! Hahahaha…). Huummm, what else? Did I forget something? I beg your pardon? What?? Oops… I missed… the BRIDEGROOM!!!!! I haven’t prepared my bridegroom yet!
So... what about you?
Monday, May 29, 2006
Nothing but a particle of dust..
Saturday, May 26, 2006; 10 minutes to the day after...
My fingers moving so fast and beating these alphabetical pads on a thin board; directed by my clueless direction from my brain.
My eyes keenly see every single thing emerged by those fingers’ beat on the clear bright flat screen that conceitedly stands in this 3x4 unpretentious space.
My ears conscientiously listen to the whisper of the solitude night murmuring its loneliness voice despite the tumultuous horn of the traffic, the flattery jolly sound of the radio, or the starvation agony of those annoying dogs hoping for their master’s compassion.
And my mouth is freezing; my word couldn’t be spoken with my unthinkable thought inside.
I a m S h a m e f u l l y M e a n i n g l e s s .
I’m nothing but an indistinct mini particle dust between this huge enormous exalted will of Allah. Everything in this motherland—and all in this world happen by The Almighty’s will.Everything comes from Him, and it turns back to Him after all. We are just a human with limited capability.
Earthquake? Death? Disaster? Pain? Everything is just a piece of cake for Him to create.
A l l a h u A k b a r .
(Deepest condolence to all Yogyakarta earthquake victims..in truth, Allah will always be by your side)
ya..susah komen di multiply secara harus punya account multiply dulu..
iya.. gampang kali...
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