
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...

Monday, September 04, 2006

I’m a toothless grandma!!

I have messy teeth. My upper jaw is a little bit too far from my lower jaw, and my front lower jaw teeth are a bit messy. Last week I went to the dentist and installed braces (a wire device fitted in the mouth to straighten the teeth) to tidy it up. Honestly, my private dentist had been asking me thousand times since I was in elementary, but everything is about money though. Installing braces is quiet expensive, so after one year of saving money (ha-ha) I decided to make it.

Anyhow, when my dentist asked me to choose what rubber color I want to wear on my braces, I chose the black one. He actually showed me some rubber colors, there were pink, blue, yellow, green, and so on—but I did chose black because I was thinking that other colors are too fancy and coquettish, while black is going to look cool—my thought that day.

Then voila. Please do not laugh at me because I do actually shock on my own looking my face like a toothless granny, ha ha ha!! Till now, I regreted to have chosen the black one— Rule number one; black supposed to be cool, but not every black is cool. It doesn't look that cool on braces!! A friend of mine who used to wear braces told me not to wear red, green and yellow because it's gonna look like a slipped food. Promise you that I’ll wear the pink one next month.

PS. Installing braces on your teeth means you couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep and couldn’t speak with good articulation for weeks. Aaarrgghh.. it hurts!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lucu ko (dalam arti kata sebenarnya) hahahahaha

12:09 PM, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Nadine-Zaki said...

OMG! Is that really you, De Iil? *lol* tapi kayaknya De Il masih keliatan maniz koq (sambil nutup mata, hehehe) --anyway, I'm pregnant!

12:40 PM, September 05, 2006  
Blogger Nadine-Zaki said...

after "analyzing" you carefully --face to face-- I decided to make these confessions: you're still pretty, dear! You're not that bad... You're not a toothless grandma. You're the coolest grandma!! ha-ha!

1:24 PM, September 13, 2006  
Blogger anggunpribadi said...


4:16 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my opinion you look adorable. If I were as brave as you, and not so vain, I would also get braces. You look great! Cherokee (Chad)

10:01 PM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gpp asal jgn yg kuning aja, kaya jigong!

12:33 PM, September 21, 2006  
Blogger siaz said...

hahahahah ma itu berapa centi maju kedepan!! ati ati loh kalo frenchkiss katanya suka nyangkut!!! ma ada sebagian cowo yang seneng liat cewe berkawat....moga2 lo dapet cowo gara - gara kawat lu yah!! sukses!!

1:11 PM, September 21, 2006  
Blogger ilmaffectional said...

Ahahahahhh.. makasih2, ternyata kalian perhatian juga sama saya yah *yea rite* weekekeke...

Udah kok win, udah dapet.. dan pastinya bukan cuma gara2 kawatnya doang kayaknya, tapi juga karena daya sangkutnya yang sangat dahsyat ketika french kissing, wakakaka.. XP

Fyi, sabtu ini gw akan ganti warna pink!!! yeahhh!! *penting ya?* :P

1:22 PM, September 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pas liat aslinya si item lucu2 aja sbnrny, lo aj yg tlalu berlebihan, gak ko, manis :). akirnya lo ganti pink y, blm liat g..

12:14 PM, September 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cute ah.. kaya anak kecil :)

12:43 AM, September 28, 2006  
Blogger ilmaffectional said...

hehehe.. tengkyu2, ah jadi maluuuu..

1:37 PM, October 07, 2006  

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