A little prayer..
Ya Allah, show me and lead me the way...
Tunjukkan jalanku, bimbinglah langkahku, mantapkan hatiku...
*am I really READY to........................?*
Teman-temaaaan, mohon doanya yaaa... :)
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...
Monday, May 21, 2007
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...
About Me
- Name: ilmaffectional
- Location: Bandung, Jakarta, Indonesia
If you have already read Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist; I am Santiago. I'm waiting for the omen, try to find out The Alchemist to reach my Personal Legend. I'm just somebody who tries to learn how to be thankful for all the blesses of life...
A Wishper Prayer
...Ya Allah, show me the straight way, the way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.. Give me good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend me from the torment of the Fire.. Leave me not without offspring, though Thou art the best of inheritors..
Shouts and Hellos
- My Friendster Profile
- ilmaffectional's Photos
- AnggunPribadi's Soulful Journey
- Nadine-Zaki's Rock Your World
- Neng Asti's Dwelling of The Murmurs
- Nugrahardi Ramadhani
- DamiSidharta's Dont Ask Me To Shut Up
- Arsdiona's livejournal
- Mitatea's Berhentilah Sejenak
- Ani's Catatonia
- Rangga's See Through Me
- Cherokee's Ponderings&Wanderings
- Neng Asti's Silly Substances
- Joesoef13's Jalan Damai Menuju Ketenaran
- Chibi's jpg. Journal
- Azwin's Siazwin
- Neng Asti's Prosa-prosa yang bercerita
- Iman Brotoseno's
- Noviar's Loveaholic
- Iqbal Akbar's First site ever!
- Kavita's Gurilapgurilem
- Ubriet's Mending My Scattered Brain
- Ikram Putra
emang mo ngapain lu mak?????
*Oh, get me away from here I am dying*
have a relationship..
*I got through all this before you wake me up, So I can feel hapier to be safe again with you*
ready to be in love again? heum? heum? heum?
ciye dulu ah..
bo, mo merit yah? suitt... suitt... hehe
Ilma, makasih ya komentarnya! Sungguh berbobot!
*tersenyum misterius penuh rahasia*
buat Ikram, sama2 ya :)
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