New Year, New Me.Tic.. toc.. tic.. toc..
God, I can’t help my self of those boring jobs on my desk anymore! But I’m going to have a Christmas and New Year holiday starts from 23 December 2006 to 2 January 2007, and I’m gonna spend my days in LONDON!!!!! YEAHHH!!!
Sure it was a lie. Okay, just another dreams of mine. Ha-ha.
London is the place where I always really want to go to, and I’m promise my self that I’ll be there, stepping my foot above the land. Sooner, or later. *crossing fingers*
Anyway, 2007 is about to come, and I honestly have some personal targets to be achieved. Have been thinking about it after had a quite serious self-evaluation of my personal 2006 resolutions-- then I realized that some of my next year targets are more perfectly called as a LIFE REVOLUTION rather than a resolution.
I personally consider it as a big life challenge and it may take some risks, and I honestly have a great hesitation, “AM I REALLY GOING TO DO THAT???”
However, some people say that life is about taking a risk. Humm.. just wait until the end of 2007 and let see whether I really have done the big life revolution or even not at all, haha. Bismillah, lillahi ta’ala.
Okay then, just wanna say have a nice holiday for you guys (What? Your company doesn’t allow its staff to have a long New Year holiday?? Poor you, lalalala, hahaha..)
And it’s time for me to take a flight to London; my plane is about to take off this evening (in my dream). Happy New Year everyone!!!! :)
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...
Wahh...lucky banget,...but London in December ? its freezinggggg..
Oleh oleh dong ( what..siape lu ), annyway have a nice holiday, ...
hah !! gue tahu banget revolusi lo apaaan!! sms nya masih ada tuh,... hueheee tapi nak jangan menunggu agustus yah .. akyuu mau februari ini sepertinya ..
walaupun daku tua renta dan miskin papa paling gak datengnya gak pake wangsit di tengah malem bolong .. hueheheeee..
sama seperti mimpi ke london tengah siang bolong, jauh jauh ke longdong mending 'good night, MANCHESTER !!' di dago aja ,.. huahahahaaaaa.. gue membandung nih kayaknya tahun baru .. huhuuuuu..
gw taun baru dengan berada dikamar ditemani sebatang lilin (muaaaless banget..) Tapi biasanya sih, seperti tahun lalu, gw tidur jam 9 dan bangun jam 7. Apalah ini tahun baru, menurut gw nggak ada beda2nya ama hari-hari yang lalu.
palingan yg bikin beda semangatnya. Itu doang yg gw kejer. BIasa, bikin point2 dalam kehidupan.
De Il, daripada jauh2 ke london mending liburan ke surabaya aja, nengokin calon ibu yang cantiiik... hehe.. eh, mba zat dah lahiran loh, cewe, cakep kayak tantenya yang di surabaya, hahahaha!
>>iman brotoseno: oleh2? siap! tapi tar ya nunggu dapet undangan prince william dulu nih.. ;p
>>joesoef13: blom tentu jg sih, masi blom mantep nih wa.. nunggu wangsit yang berikutnya dulu deh, hehe..
>>agn: setuju gun, saatnya bikin hidup lebih hidup dan bermakna :) Tenang gun, London kan tetangganya Aberdeen, tar gw temenin deeeeh.. duh agun, sebatang lilin.. ky di Aberdeen gada lampu aja, sedih gw bacanya, hahaha..
>>nadine-zaki: oya? selamat ya buat mbak zati :)
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