
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

...the story of a daily sh*t.

Here she is, a twenty something woman who used to sits behind the spacious desk with a big flat screen monitor and high spec processor of Mac, black and compact notebook on its left and big blue colored tablet on its right. She always sits on this blue pattern wide chair-- she would rather like to adjust her chair with that 30 degrees position so that she could feels her back comfortable than to make it high like her boss did.

At 7.45, she turns on her UPS, her notebook and Mac just seconds after. She types her password on her notebook, and waits until the Windows asks her to confirm it once again. She goes to the break corner for breakfast-- she likes to eat cereals with plain milk or a cup of hot Milo to succeed her new year resolution for healthy living after spending one full past year of no breakfast. Cheezy chit-chats with office mates is enough to makes her sick before working, so she goes back to her desk to starts her daily shits.

It's 8 o'clock, and work should be started. She HAS to start her work. But she didn't. She used to starts her job by checking emails, friendster, click meebo for IM-ing on her notebook. She loves to buzz her buddies to say hi or have some little chats, and she loves how her buddies keep greeting her every morning just to say 'keep your spirit and have a nice day'.
She clicks the 2 main software icons on her Mac dock, and she tries to find out where did she put her previous work files on her desktop folder. The files appeared, and she starts reviewing her latest revisions. She works with her tablet and tries to be high concentrated to her work. Her eyes blink frequently, more often than normal because of the radiation of the bright big screen. Minutes and hours left. She sighs, and she's hungry. It's still 9.30, and it's not tea break already. The office girl called and ask her what does she want to eat for lunch. She says she wants rice with fried spicy chicken and tofu-- she sometimes go to the mall to have some lunch variations, but not for today, she says. She looks on her notebook screen and sees some windows appear on meebo, calling for her. She answers it all, then says 'I'll be right back'.

She couldn't help her hunger. She goes to break corner to have a cup of tea-- and sees 2 boxes of snacks for tea break. Yeah! This is what she's looking for. She opens the box and finds her favorite snack on it. Yellowish pasta with egg and vegetable on it for today-- better eat it with chilli sauce. Perfect!! Break corner is full of hungry labours now, so she better back to her desk to continue her work.

She holds her tablet again and starts to focus on her revisions. Oh it's suck, she says. Everyone would agree if the previous design is much much better than the new refined ones. Ah, what the heck. She has to make it done to be presented to her boss after lunch break. But she doesn't have any idea for her work revision-- and she needs some inspirations from design sites on the internet. So she browses some interesting design sites by reference, and meebo-ing while waiting the loading site.

12 o'clock, time to have some heavy meals. She eats her order meals and goes to musholla after that. She goes to her desk and back for working, browsing and.. chatting. It is very important to socialize in the middle of exhausting time. We are not a robot, aren't we? Time passes by until she doesn't realize that it's 5 pm already. That is the time when she has to decide: is she going to back home or overtime?

No, thank you. She won't have overtime, she says. She has an appointment to spend quality times with her private life after office hour. That's what she likes most. She loves it, she loves her life, she loves herself, she loves her private life and she wouldn't waste her precious time, ANYMORE.

And there it goes, time passes by and the story repeats from Monday to Friday... with the same daily shits. That's why she loves Saturday and Sunday-- she wouldn't found the same stories as she has always had on the other days..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bener. dunia kerja mang boring bgt. ketemu orang itu2 aja. 8 jam sehari yang gitu2 aja. kalo waktu smu/kuliah 8 jam tuh udah bisa ketawa2 ampe mampus ya? enaknya cuma pas gajian doank ya. eh padahal kan kerjaan desainer asik? coba lu jadi akuntan/admin, lebih males lagi!

1:15 PM, March 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tabah...tabah... :)

kalo udh bete banget, mikir gini aja, at least masih kerja, masih digaji hehehe (indonesia bgt ya mikirnya)

12:24 AM, April 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sori, off context nih

elo kerja di Honda kan? kapan Asimo masuk ke Indonesia? :P

gue seneng banget bacain blog-nya orang2 agency Wieden+Kennedy London,

apalagi team yg megang honda :P

1:54 PM, April 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saatnya pindah kerja!! udaaaah, kek gue ajee, frilens lebih asik, bisa menclok sana sini sesuka hati, kek TTM ajeee, asik kan? mumpung masih muda XD

4:59 PM, April 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>> anonymous: iya, kalo udah kayak gini suka inget jaman2 jahiliyah, gak ada beban.. btw anonymous siapa niiih, tulis dong namanya.. okeh2? tengkyu ya :)
>> chibi: bener, salah satu hal yang bisa bikin gw seneng lagi tuh kalo udah tanggal 25 aja, hihihi.. Btw, Asimo pernah masuk ke Indonesia, tp cuman mampir doang.. di kantor juga cuman ada miniaturnya yang bisa ngomong gitu, lucu deh :) Oya gw juga suka ngiri kalo liat TVC2nya Honda worldwide.. keren2!! (huhuhu)..
>> professional freelancer: ihh!! dasar.. bisaaaaaa aja lo kalo udah nyambung ke TTM! (tapi bener juga sih, hehehe)

8:39 AM, April 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

banyak omong lu ma!! huahahhahaaaaa... sok promo ikut 'siah - siah'an ,.. ah lebok siahhh.. wekekekkkkk..
Tapi sepertinya hari hari pekerjaan semua desainer mirip mirip,.. jadi memang inspirasi itu sepertiya datang dari either itu fs, multiply, ato itunes... hueheheee..
menarik... untuk ditelaah

9:44 PM, May 21, 2007  

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