
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...

Monday, June 26, 2006

My "pregnancy"

Once again, another reason why I gotta think hundred million times before deciding to move out from this f***ing HONDA...

I am "falling in love".

And I am happily "pregnant".


NO. What I meant was...

Alhamdulillaahi rabbil 'alamiiiiinnnn!!!! ^_^


Blogger Neng Asti said...

Naek gaji ya Ma? Huehue..

5:12 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this f***ing HONDA...
-- statement untuk co yang suka kurang ajar...

I am "falling in love".

--jatuh cinta, statement berlebihan untuk keadaan senang, which is relative untuk sebagian orang...

And I am happily "pregnant"
--- term desainer kalo barang yang dia design mau di produksi dalam waktu dekat ini, karena sudah positif projeksinya.

Alhamdulillaahi rabbil 'alamiiiiinnnn!!!! ^_^
--- Segala puji bagi Allah, Yang Maha Pemberi lagi Penyayang... biasanya term digunakan setelah mendapat rejeki banyak dan berlimpah, yang sudah dipotong zakat amal...

Makan - makan nyetttt !!

6:16 PM, June 26, 2006  
Blogger Nadine-Zaki said...

Seems we have a big party, then... :P

11:01 AM, June 29, 2006  
Blogger anggunpribadi said...

naek gaji!!!!!!!

10:05 PM, June 29, 2006  
Blogger Chad McMillan said...

okay--what does that mean? please translate for the English speaking world. If you can't, I'll come up with my own idea--from somewhere deep in my glorious imagination. ha

7:39 AM, June 30, 2006  
Blogger ilmaffectional said...

Okay then, so they were trying to interpret this post with their own perception. Most of them have thought that my company have uprisen my salary.

Hmm, joesoef13 seemed so confident with his analysis.. nice try dude, but it wasn't that right, xp
(Oh it's too long to explain, bet you should learn Bahasa, Cherokee!) :))

Well, since everything is free in this blog-- feel free for guessing what this post is all about guys, haha!

2:29 PM, June 30, 2006  

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