Okay, so it means... I am *NOT* a lady?!
They always say that a lady supposed to wear skirt and high heel.
I might be a girl who hasn’t been such a “real girl” for my whole life. I am not into skirt, pink, high heels, cosmetics, and another kind of ‘girl’ stuffs freak yet really hate when someone says I’m a boy rather be. I am kind of -comfortable suit lover- kind of person; I prefer to appear as the way I am with the way I like; I wear skirt because I want to, not either because I have to or because someone asked me to. I was like “Hey, don’t force me to wear skirt, high heels, lipstick, mascara, blush on and bla bla blah things just to make me looked more feminine or girly because it is none of your business to change the word of feminine onto someone’s appearance!.”
I love wearing t-shirt, blue jeans and running shoe. Is that bothering you?!! Urgh..puh’lease!!!
They always say that a lady supposed to have long hair and fair skin.
Okay, just watch all the single shampoo and beauty product commercials on your TV screen- it explain everything, isn’t it? Well, as a –-supposed to be an advertiser but at least had some little experiences in advertising –- let me tell you that (hope it won’t break the advertising ethics) everything is such a fake. If you ever heard about Photoshop, okay... that was sort of Photoshop kind of thing for video imaging- that touched everything on the commercial up and manipulated the hair and skin to be such an amazing gorgeous beautiful black hair and fair smooth skin image on screen (of course after full of tricky things to make the talent’s hair and skin to be good looking on the scene before shooting!!).
And I... I’m just a dark skinned ‘lady’.
So, the girl with short hair and dark skin wasn’t supposed to be called as a lady, huh?!
They always say that a lady supposed to have thin body with great big breast and butt.
3B or Beauty, Brain and Behavior on the beauty pageant contest are absolutely NONSENSE. The fact is, the 3B -–has always should be-- additionally added with the next 2B which always be seen on a perfect lady: BREAST and BUTT.
Just get real, honey. If Putri Indonesia or Miss Universe is only based on that 3B without give a damn on the last 2B… a girl with 145 cm tall, 80 kg weight, 32A cup of bra, huge leg and fat bottomed, graduated as a summa cumlaude from the greatest college from her country, still virgin until she get married and always do a damn noble things in her life like Mother Theresa.. is absolutely could be the winner!! *but too bad, maybe she was just too shy to list herself*
I have got my weight up to 6 kilos since I work on my office (okay, so now it was not a secret anymore, guys!!!), and everybody keep mocking me with these words: ilma si chubbydut, semok, molekh, bahenol, gendut, badag, etc--> all that words mean one: FAT.
Those bla bla blahs mocking statements (well, it was just a joke for making fun on me anyway) seemed to be just a joke- once again, a joke. But one thing that makes me fed up is—they pushing me to do DIET, because I am a lady... and they said that a lady is NOT supposed to be FAT. What an apprehensive shallow thought!!! Arrggghhh, c'm ooonnnn!!
And you know, living with lots of man in my surroundings (especially now, for your information; in my office, the comparison between men and women is almost 10:1!!!) is terribly such an uncomfortable thing sometimes. Well, I think they have to be punished like- ‘Hey, go to hell guys, I got to cut your neck and shoot you die until you ran out of your blood!”—every time they talk and have a nasty conversation about the girl with her big sexy breast and butt that could make them turn on and sweaty on their fantasy. Geez, it is such a disgusting thing to be heard, you god damned!!!
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...
Monday, March 27, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
I'd (not) rather dance than talk with Kings Of Convenience!
Yeah! After I succesfully escaped from my saturday afternoon long meeting (hey, it wasn't supposed to be held on saturday since my office had legally occupied its employees to be worked on a --used to be a holiday- day!!), I was panically on a hurry from my office at 17.30 (the show started at 17!!!) and arrived at Nikko Hotel about half an hour later *bet you even had no idea where my office located at*.
I had to meet my friend who brought me the ticket, so I was struggling through to looking for him in the middle of the crowd (for your information, the ticket for 2000 seats had already sold out 1,5 months before the show). We finally got in, and oh God, the area was full of those drop dead gorgeous boys *slurrpp, wink2* (and girls) around!
Because I was late, I missed the White Shoes and The Couples Company, and when I arrived there was Mocca performed on stage.
Anyhow, finally.. Kings Of Convenience is in the house!! Well, Erlend Oye and Erick played damn great, smooth and tidy. The audience seemed really enjoyed the acoustic and sang along by every beat and lyrics. The atmosphere was being much hotter on the climacs which is the last and most waited song; I'd rather dance. The show ended at 22, but 'the attendant show' hasn't ended yet-- cute and handsome cool boys... AaaRrGgHhh!!! *wink2* ;P
I honestly brought you some videos recorded by my cell phone, but unfortunately all couldn't be opened because of unsupported formats and some errors! ;-(
Friday, March 10, 2006
Realizing the reality that I am getting older day by day *hiks*, I looked for my old photo albums and found several pictures whispering me that I had been so grown up for about 23 years since I was born on 1982. When I opened the old dark blue photo albums with a cute little girl as the main object of the cover, I found lots of funny face smiling innocently on the pictures- and it was me. On the first page, I found a little piece of paper with strong tidy lines written by my father- and I realized that it was a poem he wrote at 23.45 o’clock in 18 February 1985 with his huge lovable embrace remembering his eldest daughter *Oh my God, touchy!! T_T’ *. Here it is:
After all, I opened one folder full of pictures on my computer- contains either scanned old picture or transferred from digital cameras- and I found myself that I had been ‘metamorphosing’; from a little innocent spoil and naughty little girl to a –not a girl, not yet a woman- one.
And now, here I am!! And I was trying to reflect upon my self that when I was a kid I surely didn’t know that I’ll be grown up as the way I am now; a –trying to learn how to be mature- girl with a fat bottomed and a –never do sport- body *ha-ha*, working as a graphic designer at a research and development motorcycle company, living alone in Jakarta and currently typing a post to be posted on my personal blog. ;D
*) another way to show my narcissism, huahahaha!! ;P
Monday, March 06, 2006
Last Saturday was the day I’ve been waited most after 7 months of working and associating with ‘the social relation of work’- especially after I watched Jomblo; a film full of campus life story.
It was the graduation day, and some of my friends from the same year (2001) were graduated-- free from all of campus’ trifling matters. And I- was really enthusiast and so excited attending this event- first, because I was really miss my friends and campus atmosphere so much (yes, it was all because of Jomblo!); second, because graduation day is the most exciting campus event ever; third, because some of my best friends were graduate that day; and fourth, because I was going to meet some special persons.
Then, the time had come. After be gathered on the faculty canteen and had a little chit-chat with some of my missing friends-- and you know what, everybody said I’m FAT and “sexier” (okay, I put those quotation marks on the “sexier” word; dunno was that mean complimentary or insult T_T)-- we went to Sabuga to welcome the graduates.
Sabuga was really crowded, and finally-- after waiting the graduates exit the building for almost 3 hours with the crowd that hectically made us had a great headache-- we went to Student Center Boulevard (hey, it was used to be held in Plaza Widya!) to watch our faculty first grade students performance; the must see event from Art and Design Faculty junior welcoming the graduates. The theme was about cowboys and stuffs; but I didn’t notice the performance as well because I was too busy with my crazy friends though!
And as usual, my faculty held FANCY NITE as the graduation party; a-should be costumed- party with a blue dragon and a big boat as the main property of the decoration. Well, the event was going so well, but unfortunately (for me), the attendance were full of juniors (2004 to 2002) and less of 2001. :(
Okay then, let these pictures explain you (hopefully) everything! ;D






Well, I am going to say congratulation especially for Radi (Selamat ya di, kapan2 kita bikin reuni gank bubat bareng si Mamang ya!), Hendro (Hai cumi-cumi berkumisss!! Selamat ya bo’, jangan lupa cukur kumis, hahahaha!!), Fira (Congrats ya fir, makasih lho makan2nya kemaren, sering2 yakk! ;P Sukses buat kantor barunya di Sudirman!), Kiki (Selamat bergabung di Jakarta, ingat, ibukota jauh lebih kejam daripada ibu tiri!), Daud, Tedjo & Mikail (selamattt! selamatttt!), Citra (Selamat ya neengg! Ayo cepetan nyusul ke Jakarta!), Banung (Dapet titipan selamat tuh.. ciiee), Irfan (Woooii, lo punya utang makan2 tuh sama guee!! Hehe.. selamat yaa!), Didot (Maju terus advertising! Huahahhh!!), Kumy (Selamat ya bo’, sukses buat percintaan, hahah.. cerita2 siahh!), Ogi (Ogiii.. slamat yaa robotnya gaya!), Uli (Selamat ya liii.. cepetan nyusul Mala!;p), Tantri (Congrats ya jeng, sukses ya di Itali-nya!), Uti (Utiii!!! Prikitiww! Gaya lah maneh, menelan banyak korban euy.. hahah!!), Dinamysa (Dinaa.. Sugoi ne! Sukses ya di Jepang.. Sukses juga sama Tomo-nya!), Nia (Niaaa.. muah2, selamat yaa.. kapan2 maen bareng dan curhat2an lagi ya!!) & Kijing (Akhirnya jenggot tercukur habis.. haha, selamat yaa!). And the last but not least, once again.. CONGRATULATION to all my 39 graduate beloved friends that successfully graduated this month, wish you all the best for your future!! Welcome to the club!! ;D
buat kaum adam alias cowok, terapkanlah ini:
" I want to be someone who I want to be,not what people want me to be!!"
jadi,ga semua cewek yg "biasa" itu ga da apa2nya....justru cewek2 yg "kebanyakan" itu lah yang standar alias "ga ada apa2nya"...huehehehehehe
Pernah lihat lukisan abad 16 or so dong... kan jelas gak ada gambaran nadine atau liza natalia disitu bakal membuat para lelaki zaman itu horny .. soalnya semua cewenya gak ada yang kenal kata diet...
Sebagai mostly lelaki semestinya kita bersyukur presepsi seorang lady seperti apa itu berubah. .. I can't imagine how it is right now kalau definisi seorang cewe yang sangat ideal ( proporsional ) saat ini seperti halnya abad ke 16 adalah Tina Toon ... ..... HUAAAHHHHH hororrr boo....
Saya rasa begitu juga dengan pakaian.. semuanya sudah terbentuk dari zaman dulu.. di Prancis semua cewe harus pake korset supaya perutnya kecilll berat dan titsnya ( maaf yah ..dipake aja istilahnya ) ditopang supaya terlihat lebih besar... kurang lebih masih dengan proporsi seperti itu ... orang orang media seperti kalian itu yang membuat lukisan lukisan tadi terpampang dimana mana ... ideal adalah miss universe.. huahahhaaaa...
One thing about diet ..( which is an industry ..for some people ) terbukti bahwa almost 7 out of 10 (singapore) LADIESS around the world selalu merasa tidak nyaman dengan tubuhnya, walaupun mereka sudah dalam kategori ideal menurut body index mass ( massa tubuh ideal ) .. dan kayaknya untuk seorang public figure.. sewajarnya mereka mempunyai 3B ( apapun itu .breast, behind and botox) ..huahhahaaa.. karena menurut saya itu adalah asset dan investasi terbesar mereka untuk mencari uang .. they earn money by showing their outmost... terlpas masalah norma dan etika yah
So if you hate people for saying so... don't be .. balik lagi ke kepribadian tiap orang dengan keteguhannya, saya rasa seorang wanita ..a real lady is not what she appears only .. It's what she really are in the community... so GOLADIES
PS : ada yang nyari obat pengurang berat badan yang efektif .. hubungin saya yah .. si ilma tahu kok ..
Dear ladies (and gentlements)...
See? Kalian tau sendiri kan? Baca aja deh 2 comment di atas ini.
*Thanks to anonymous for your comment(whoever you are, thank you.. but please put your name everytime you drop comment, would you?--> even I bet you are a LADY).. yuppp... setujuuuww!! we deserve to be as the way we want ourselves to be!-- dan buat joesoef13, makasih.. kenal ma lo aja bisa bikin kurus, gak perlu pake obat, hehe.*
Nah, silakan anda bandingkan comment anonymous (once again, I bet she is a LADY) dengan si joesoef13 ini (yang jelas2 merupakan seorang 'gentlement')..
Ada 2 kubu gender yang berbicara disini, tentunya dengan pemikirannya masing2... silakan anda perhatikan dengan seksama, dan silakan pula anda tarik kesimpulan sendiri. It's obvious, isn't it??!!
Joesoef13, walopun pada akhirnya lo bilang.. "...balik lagi ke kepribadian tiap orang dengan keteguhannya, saya rasa seorang wanita ..a real lady is not what she appears only .. It's what she really are in the community... so GOLADIES."... mungkin sebaiknya lo ralat kembali tulisan lo bahwa " I can't imagine how it is right now kalau definisi seorang cewe yang sangat ideal ( proporsional ) saat ini seperti halnya abad ke 16 adalah Tina Toon ... ..... HUAAAHHHHH hororrr boo....".. Apanya yang salah kalo gitu? Tina Toon kan luchuww gitu lwohhh..
mba ilma..
nasinya sudah jadi bubur,..lagian gak enak nelen lepehan sendiri.. jadi emang gak ada yang salah dengan tulisannya... hjueheueee
ohya ... gak mau memberi sanggahan lagi tapi justru nasihat kepada kebenaran dan kebajikan..
sewaktu ada orang menganjurkan untuk diet .. apa gak enaknya ditelaah dulu .. kenapa ya gue musti diet.. coba dikira kira.. apa yang ditimbulkan dari kelebihan berat badan...
we're deffinetely slower, means adjustment to your work is absolute.. we're obviously bigger, means you 're going to have to alocate more money buying 'adjustable' clothes to your newly look,.. and it is sure that people with more stash die younger to the ones who doesn't. Probably due to cancer, heart problems, colesterol, and among other things..
Tina toon must be funny .. when she could live a whole lot longer ..
maaa.. here's something for you: don't get upset with what people think about you or whatever they say to you. as long as you're happy with what and who you are, why bother? kita akan cuma jadi cewe "biasa" aja kalo kita berfikir bahwa kita ga "luar biasa", it's all in the state of mind, honey! hidup terlalu singkat untuk sekedar dihabiskan dengan berkeluh-kesah dan kesel sama orang lain.. count your blessings, be happy with what you have and what you don't have :)..
Hehe... I do understand you, chubbydut (oopss... sorry). Emang sih, sosok ideal wanita di pelem2 or di kontes2 kecantikan itu yang kurus, tinggi, fair skin, big boobs and butt... and so on, and so on... kalo gemuk dikit aja dah dikatain deh. But what happen to me itu kebalikannya. God has created me "so slim" alias kurus gitu. Kutilang darat malah. Nah, yang bentuknya gini pun diprotes. Gw kerap jadi bahan bulan2an orang (hiks), including De Il sendiri, hehe...
So, gimana seharusnya? Gemuk salah, kurus salah... Heran deh. The world is unfair!! hiks...
mau ikutan ah...
tau ga? cuma ada dua jenis wanita di muka bumi ini...wanita cantik dan wanita pintar!
karena ga ada wanita pintar yang rela menyiksa diri menjadi seperti yang orang inginkan, karena dia tau dia sudah cukup cantik dengan kepintarannya...
hahah...bener ga ya?
It was NOT because I was so upset of being forced to do diet for a slimmer body (just to be exist as a real lady)--
NO, it was about the way they underestimate my gender and create their own theory of how a perfect lady should be.
Baguslah kalo lo bisa 'mengalihkan' (atau ngeles?) alasan kenapa orang gendut mesti diet dengan 'kebenaran dan kebajikan' spt yg joesoef13 bilang.. Tapi sekali lagi, bukan masalah mau apa gak mau diet... tapi bagaimana seorang wanita itu dipandang.
Mungkin bener, the world is unfair.. dan mungkin juga bener, bahwa di dunia ini cuman ada 2 jenis wanita; wanita cantik dan wanita pintar.. tinggal apa perspektif yang kita pakai dalam memandang bagaimana wanita yang cantik dan pintar itu.. Cantik itu gimana, pintar itu gimana. Itu yang paling penting!
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