My "pregnancy"
Once again, another reason why I gotta think hundred million times before deciding to move out from this f***ing HONDA...
I am "falling in love".
And I am happily "pregnant".
NO. What I meant was...
Alhamdulillaahi rabbil 'alamiiiiinnnn!!!! ^_^
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...
Monday, June 26, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
Wedding Party
Lately, weekend means wedding invitation for me. And lately, wedding has been the most spoken word on my daily conversation around-—or I may say that I guess it become the hottest issue for twenty something people regarding to that bla bla blahs quarter life crisis theory—- and even as the most annoying common irritating question theme by those who had been into marriage a.k.a parents and even coupled neighbors *d*mn you, yes I’m single-- so what?!?!*
Urgh, I just don’t get why this “So darling, when will you get married?” was become the most favorite line for mocking us—as if they pretend not to know that it being the most irritating question for us—single twenty something person who’s still learn to see the world! Oh yes, that question was such a biggest fear for us to be asked! WTF!
One thing I’ve learned from my pal was; if you are being asked with that question, just simply answer… MAY. MAY be soon, MAY be later. Hahaha!
Speaking about the wedding, I met some of my high school mates last Wednesday. With a cup of coffee and cigars in an uproar France atmosphere wanna be café afterhours, a friend of mine who’s been engaged since she was in college told us about her wedding plan. Asking her when she would get married, she answered, “Well, I won’t tell you when I’m married. You’ll know soon after I get married. I mean— I wouldn’t have a wedding party. I just want to have a simple marriage ceremony; no wedding party in particular. I would only invite my closest colleagues and wouldn’t tell anybody—guess that wedding party is not that important for me—“
Some of my other friends have their own unique wedding party dream. Wedding party in a lovely strawberry garden, in a football field, in Mecca, or even bungee jumping wedding *maann, it’s too much, hahaha!*.
Well, about me, humm… Wedding spot? Oh, it could be arranged later. Wedding day? Oh, okay… it will be confirmed later, just hold on. Wedding dress? Oh, my talented fashion designer friend would design it especially for me. Wedding invitation card… Oh, well… helloo… I’m a graphic designer—sure I’ll do design it by myself. Wedding decoration… Oh dear you guys from interior design, product design and fine art… I believe in your perfect talent!(yuhuuuu…hahaha). Wedding singer? Oh, yes… my high school pal celebrity Mario Kahitna would handle it (for your information, I’ve asked him already! Hahahaha…). Huummm, what else? Did I forget something? I beg your pardon? What?? Oops… I missed… the BRIDEGROOM!!!!! I haven’t prepared my bridegroom yet!
So... what about you?
Naek gaji ya Ma? Huehue..
this f***ing HONDA...
-- statement untuk co yang suka kurang ajar...
I am "falling in love".
--jatuh cinta, statement berlebihan untuk keadaan senang, which is relative untuk sebagian orang...
And I am happily "pregnant"
--- term desainer kalo barang yang dia design mau di produksi dalam waktu dekat ini, karena sudah positif projeksinya.
Alhamdulillaahi rabbil 'alamiiiiinnnn!!!! ^_^
--- Segala puji bagi Allah, Yang Maha Pemberi lagi Penyayang... biasanya term digunakan setelah mendapat rejeki banyak dan berlimpah, yang sudah dipotong zakat amal...
Makan - makan nyetttt !!
Seems we have a big party, then... :P
naek gaji!!!!!!!
okay--what does that mean? please translate for the English speaking world. If you can't, I'll come up with my own idea--from somewhere deep in my glorious imagination. ha
Okay then, so they were trying to interpret this post with their own perception. Most of them have thought that my company have uprisen my salary.
Hmm, joesoef13 seemed so confident with his analysis.. nice try dude, but it wasn't that right, xp
(Oh it's too long to explain, bet you should learn Bahasa, Cherokee!) :))
Well, since everything is free in this blog-- feel free for guessing what this post is all about guys, haha!
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