
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Affection of Friendship

Have nothing to do, nowhere to go and nobody to meet on my last Sunday in Bandung, I woke up lazily and no spirit at all. Getting in fact that I was really in an ‘engagement’ with my pillow and my bed to be laid on, I was anxiously found myself as a human who is unexpectedly been born. No, what I meant was: suddenly I felt like I was been not better than a piece of sh*t since the last couple of days. How could I ever been so stupid so I got to shot myself to die, realizing myself terribly on my own sins. I shall say that I was being trapped on my own stupidity by letting myself wasting my time and energy just to make sure that I’ve done the right thing .

Okay, that was probably exaggerating. Just to make myself excused over and over again: it’s all because I’m crazily facing a woman post graduation syndrome. Oh, damn. Not again, please.


Back to my last Sunday morning, I was hoping that I will get some better energy- maybe a good shocking news from my family or something, but still- that Sunday passed boringly like hell until my mom told me that I got a postcard from Switzerland. Gimme a break. Was it from Thomas?

Thomas Uehlinger, a friendly and cheerful Switzerland guy is my former friend from the International Physics Olympiad (23rd IPHO) held 4 years a go in Bali. I still remember his funny blushing face every time I asked about Eka- his lovely Balinese girlfriend, or when I called him a Swiss Cow. We were still keeping in touch as well by e-mails, but I should say that receiving a postcard is much more exciting. Then, that simple postcard with Aborigine picture on it- has successfully turned my dull Sunday to a bright one. On that postcard, he said that he was on a trainee program at Australia (that’s why he sent me an Aborigine pic postcard).

However, that postcard was not only reminded me of Thomas. It unobtrusively explained something deep and meaningful about the art of friendship.

“Friendship is like plant. It will grow up, getting bigger and tough if we feed it by a good communication or at least- always keep in a good touch however it is.”

After all, I tried to remember myself about my social life. Somehow, I was desperately in a great distress to figure out every single name and appearance on my mind that day. Suddenly I felt a strong energy spreads like hell on my blood, missing all of my old friends that I’ve ever known on my surroundings, million days I live on earth. Hey, how are you guys doing now?

++ Miss you all like crazy! ++


Blogger Nadine-Zaki said...

Absolutely, young lady. We're all gonna miss our friends, especially the best one. I've ever been ignored by my very bestfriend (as I wrote on my blog --feel free to visit it :p)and it was such a great pain. I did miss that guy!
Well, nice to visit this extraordinary blog. Great color, cool story and wonderful message.
Anyway... Incognito, your fave band will jive at JCC, March 3-5 (Java Jazz). I'll watch the show, for sure. Maybe we can meet there and have fun together. What d'ya think,Ilmaffectional, my dear sista?

9:33 AM, February 04, 2006  
Blogger Nadine-Zaki said...

Absolutely, young lady. We're all gonna miss our friends, especially the best one. I've ever been ignored by my very bestfriend (as I wrote on my blog --feel free to visit it :p)and it was such a great pain. I did miss that guy!
Well, nice to visit this extraordinary blog. Great color, cool story and wonderful message.
Anyway... Incognito, your fave band will jive at JCC, March 3-5 (Java Jazz). I'll watch the show, for sure. Maybe we can meet there and have fun together. What d'ya think,Ilmaffectional, my dear sista?

9:34 AM, February 04, 2006  
Blogger ilmaffectional said...

Thanks for your comment, sis... Anywayyy.. gw gak bakal dateng ke Java Jazz.. pengen siiihhh, tp ada yg lebih penting nih di bandung, hehe (ky gak tau ajaa...) skalian mau dateng ke wisudaan temen2 kampus.. :D

12:21 PM, February 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ilma saya membaca tulisanmu dan komentar teman atau pembaca,saya lebih melihat anani ada dalam kamu
dan kamu lebihcondong pesimistis
ketimbang berharap,banyak terobsesi
pada gaul dan selebritis,nasehat;
kembangkan imej mu menjadi kenyataan kembangkan stray reflecti
on tidak keluar dari batas engagment trim f

8:11 AM, January 30, 2007  

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

How advertising spoiled
(read: affectionated) me

Check this out:

Find lots of crazy and brilliant ideas of advertising. Like the blog author- Arvind R says: That's how advertising spoiled me. Enjoy!


Blogger damisidharta said...

ya..ya..ya... blog wajib buat orang yang sok orang iklan... and check out mine too... wakakakakakakakak....

1:45 PM, February 08, 2006  
Blogger ilmaffectional said...

Brisik lo dam! blog lo emang sok penting.. tapi dengan amat sangat terpaksa gw akuin: keren! Udah deeehh, sesama orang iklan kita mesti saling mengiklankan tauuuu! xP

8:28 AM, February 09, 2006  

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Does your affection go to the right person?

I have no idea, why love is always be the hottest conversation topic around me. Well, everybody does I guess. You know, every love story I've heard (or even I've been in) has made me fall into a deep realization that behind that little spelling word and simple name, love has a huge and complex meaning.

I believe we all had been into this phase: crush on and being crushed on, like and being liked, love and being loved. But the most important thing is... is that 'affection stuffs' behind those words go to the right person, right moment, right situation, right emotion and right ratio? Let me tell you something. Sometimes affection goes to the wrong direction and doesn't match well with -i don't know how to say but maybe it's the right phrase: our obsession.

Couple of weeks a go, I went to Bandung and met some of my best girl friends. Maybe you can guess what the main topic of our conversation on this 'girls talk' is (beside the other -not important to be mentioned stuffs-). Yeahh... all of our conversation conclude to a single word: LOVE. My little sweet bunny teeth with long black haired girl friend has been in a complicated relationship with her brother's best friend for about more than 10 months without an explicit commitment. Until last week, she was still in a big confuse and curiosity about her future relationship with that guy. My other lovely girl friend with a cute and sophisticated style has been in a relationship with a really nice guy for about 2 years till now, but so scare to death realizing her 'not healthy manner' of relationship. And me... humm.. well, I've been in a dilemma situation because of my confusion on this: what if I got who I wanted but not who I needed- or got who I needed but not who I wanted. (But hey, never mind... don't give a damn on me anyway because I don't want to puke up my love story to all of you guys, ha-ha...)

Then, the first thing we tried to think is- Does our affection go to the right person?

Two days after, I met my boy friend (not boyfriend) - a bald, tall and thin guy with a hilarious attitude who has been so close to me since I was 18. He told me that he was still can’t help him self for not to apologize his ex- girlfriend. Even worst than like The Corrs said, that f**king ex- girlfriend is not forgiven, and still not forgotten. He had been in a deep love with my former Junior High School friend for more than 5 years, until she cheated on him. Me, my self, was really surprised when I heard the real story for details 10 months a go, and still- believe me- I still don’t believe of what my lovely Junior High School friend did when he repeated the whole story that day. God, cheating can’t be forgiven- I agreed. A sweet lovely girl could become so mean too.

Then, the first thing I tried to think is- Did his affection go to the right person?

I remembered that I’ve read the book titled “He’s just not that into you”- a book written by Sex and the City staffers Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. I read that book by my partner’s reference- she said this book is so inspiring for either single or taken girl. Then, we both call it as a ‘bible’ of love, ha-ha. What I am going to say is, I realized (and getting more realized) that if our affection goes to the right person, we wouldn’t be worried for everything we faced on. Yes, there’s lot of questions struggling in our mind- what guaranteed us that our affection go to the right person, and how could we convince ourselves that this person is the right one?

“Well, the only person you can control in a relationship is you, but the only one you can guarantee is- God knows who the best person for you is.”

So, this is the right time to reflect and ask to your self… Does your affection go to the right person?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

guess we already had a huge chit-chat on the car right? well...nothing could i say except pain teach you something nice one day and 'lust' is a matter of labeling your love life one day..but it's all into your heart

10:58 PM, January 31, 2006  
Blogger ilmaffectional said...

Huehehe...makasih ya atas komentarnyaww..
Buat adi, kapan2 undang temen lo yg anak psikologi itu bo', pasti makin seru deh diskusi kita, :P. Buat Djepun, justru itu yang perlu direnungi.. kalo afeksi itu diberikan kepada orang yang tepat, gak salah dong kalo gw bilang itu sebagai salah satu aspek 'milestone' dalam hidup? haha..

12:14 PM, February 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmhmm,'s nice for me to read your blog. I'm proud with you.
Ternyata teman terbaikku ini bisa belajar dari semuanya.
inget segala yang terjadi sama kita, apapun juga meskipun yang kita hadapin hal yang buruk kita harus kuat ya..We never know until you've tried, itu betul tapi kalau ternyata usaha kita sia-sia berarti dia bukan yang terbaik, yang penting adalah ketulusan dalam hidup.Okeee!?girlS dont Cry, No Boyz no cRY HAHAHAHa!

3:33 PM, February 02, 2006  
Blogger ilmaffectional said...

Huahahahaa... thanks juga ya udah mau bagi2 cerita buat jadi referensi din. Posting ini kan terinspirasi dari kisah cinta kita selama kita sobatan 5 tahun lebih.. Ciee2.. hahaha...
Kita emang selalu sama ya bo', :D.

Ilma salut bgt sama 'jiwa dewasa' kamu (huhuhuuww, terharu.. T_T). Tenang din, yang terbaik sudah dipersiapkan Allah buat kamyuuww, hehe.. :P

4:50 PM, February 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, sebaik2 manusia adalah mereka yg paling byk manfaatnya bagi sesama, so dont give up giving ur affection to others sincerely ....

5:56 PM, February 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cuman 1 kok....

kl lo yakin ya jalanin,,,dengan 1 pertimbangan lo sanggup menerima resikonya =)

7:21 PM, February 02, 2006  
Blogger ilmaffectional said...

And yes, you show me how affectionate you are, mbak wid...

Mockoz...(insya allah lho yaa..) maju terus pantang mundur! yeahh!!

8:50 AM, February 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so deep sori kebawa...ternyata yg ngerasain kaya gini ga cuma isma doang toh,ilma juga bisa ya...habis biasanya kan ilma yg banyak kasih masukan ke isma soal "ecek2" itu....pokokna mah....buat org yg konvensional (banget) kaya isma...berdoa ma yg di atas,minta petunjukNYA ajah biar ga galau hehehehe....n ikhtiar juga lah (biarpun dikit banget) see you nya bagus banget deh....

11:50 AM, February 07, 2006  
Blogger ilmaffectional said...

Makasih ismaa... iya kan ini juga terinspirasi dari cerita2 lo ma, hehe... cerita2 dari lingkungan sekitar gw lah lebih tepatnya. Ini kan emang gw bikin buat jadi bahan perenungan semua orang, bukan cuman buat yg lg galau aja maaa...

2:08 PM, February 07, 2006  
Blogger Neng Asti said...

Ma.. I just want to share a great quote (i made this qoute myself after a series of silly friendster messages i received).



6:03 PM, February 09, 2006  
Blogger ilmaffectional said...

Hahahahaa!! Agreed!

8:17 AM, February 10, 2006  

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