It was not only just once- but believe me- hundred million times— since I was in college people used to ask me this:
“ What have you learned in this college so far? Bet you don’t have to study too hard like us- you’re only do drawing, right? Gee, studying in art and design faculty must be so fun!”
Only do drawing you say?!
They didn’t know that there were mmmmilllion assignments to be done and spent lots of time only for making those artworks to be APPRECIATABLE. And it was not just a drawing, bottom line. Where did you put the word of CONCEPT?
Fun, YES indeed. True, we didn't do math, calculus, physics or chemistry like those in science and technology faculties, but please recall yourself for not underestimate of what an art and design faculty student has done for 4 years or more in college.
“What is your job desc on your work? Oh, graphic designing. Ha?? Was it that hard so that you frequently should have overtime- working 18 hours a day or more
Did I mishear or something? No, I think since it was a hundred million times question directly to me- I believe that my ears work correctly. Working in design is not that easy- let me repeat it please- it-is-NOT-easy!!
Designing is like a long long road to pass through, and you never know when and how great idea comes up on your brain to create a great design. And on this professional world, you got to think how to create a great design that could be ACCEPTED by those –bad sense of art- CLIENTS (sorry Misters, but you are), assure and recommend them the best design (which is really hard because of their conventional way of thinking- sometimes), and the most important thing is- to be accepted and APPRECIATED by public a.k.a consumers.
And we got to have overtime, over and over again, doing meetings, revision,
Okay, gotta stop sighing. Got to remember this verse. "Then which of the favours of your Lord, will ye deny?" [ArRahman 55]
Can’t wait for x'mas and new year holidaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!
My affection is affectionately affectionate an affectional affection...
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Life is simple, but not that simple. Love is wonderful, yet sometimes painful. To live a life with love is a liberty, but to live a love in life is not always be an eternity. The point is, love and life depends on fate and destiny with a bit of luck and… sacrifice.
Anyway, well, this must be a little sensitive though (let me repeat: SENSITIVE, so, I apologize), but here I would share some stories about this never ending sensitive case of love and life.
She’s a Muslim, and he’s a Christian. They’ve been together for a very long time and will get married soon. She will always be a Muslim, and he will always be a Christian. End of story, yet still complicated.
She’s a Muslim, and he’s a Christian. They’ve been together even much longer than the first couple. She will always be a Muslim, and he will always be a Christian. The story still goes and not yet ended. Clashes and contradictions between both of their family still disturb their future.
NO, I don’t and never ever mean to be rude- it is none of my business. Yes, it is NONE of my business. But…
Been there. Almost done that. It’s complicated.
The freedom of faith is absolutely a self authorization, yet still be- sometimes and even mostly- a family ‘prerogative thing’ of principle life beliefs. Yet, it IS also an absolute principle thing for each person to be committed directly to God though. Hummm…
End of story. It's complicated..
gak bosen ma ketemu barudak gelo itu lagi di kantor?
zwz teh saha nya? Isma yaa? ismaa apa kabaarrr??? wah, bukan bosen lagi yahhh.. secara mereka senior di sr gituhhh... *salutlah sama cewek2 desain produk seperti lo ma, ketemu makhluk2 gila kayak gini tiap hari waktu kuliah!!*
Menurut saya yah, kerjaan yang ga pake overtime berlebihan, ga pake depresi, ga pake revisi, ga pake ngejar-ngejar klien, ga pake digangguin temen kantor, ga pake nangis darah, ga pake dikejar deadline, ga pake klien pelit dan rese, itu bukan kerjaan yang menyenangkan! justru seninya di situ.. hahaha..
me, now, depressed. but me really enjoy this job *sakit jiwa*.. hahaha..
bukan, bukan isma yeee.. ayoo sapa cobaaa? mungkin gara2 lo satu2nya cewek di desain kali ma jadi lo diisengin mulu, haus cewek kali mereka hahaha.. plg muda dong di kantor??
>asti, apa perlu ya kita bikin klub wanita2 sakit jiwa? (jiwa, dalam arti kata sebenar-benarnya, huhuhuhuhuhu)
>zwz, ha.. sapa dong?? gak satu2nya cewek kok, kan ada jepun dp98.. paling mudaa, iya emang saya masi muda kooo, hehe..
udah ampir jam 12 malem nih, masi cari2 konsep dan nunggu panggilan meeting revisi di kantor.. sampey pwageeeeeeeee!!!
hahaha.. seru bgt sih kantor loooo!!! kocak!! ya namanya jg cari duit, dibawa asik aja lagi, mumpung masi muda ntar kalo udah punya suami mesti rela lo hidup full utk keluarga
ingat bahwa orang yang banyak bersyukur akan ditambahkan nikmatnya oleh-Nya. makasih jg uda ngingetin g sama ayat arrahman itu
oya liburan ngapain euy? proyek masa lalu gmn nasibnya?
wuah, sekarang gw bisa ngeliat kantor lo itu ya!! Tampak sangat sibuk sekali skrg ilma!
makanya anak anak agency begitu hang out hari jumat malam, ..bener bener total !!! biar nggak depressi. ha ha
hehhehe... mbak ilma..overtimenya brapa lama sih? seberat apaan? hehhee...
semuanya disukurin ajadeh...masih ada yg lebih berat dari honda...hehehe...
gw aja setiap hari overnya bisa 2harian...belum dimarahin ma atasan dipresure...gak ada lemburan...lho kok curhat...tapi alhamdulillah yang penting barokah...amin amin amin...
>professional freelancer cari proyekan: iya dun, seru sih seru.. tapiii.. yaa, you know what i mean. Oh tentu kalo saya sudah berumahtangga saya mau jadi istri yang mengabdi pada keluarga dong, hehe.. proyek masa lalu? humm.. lupakan saja deh.. tar aja kapan2, wekeke..
>kill_lenon: Amiiin.. insyaallah akan tetep inget :)
>agn: haha, segitu sih gak seberapa gun, itu meja gw lagi rapi2nya.. biasanya banyak tumpukan kertas sketch bekas revisi, schedule, post it comment dari bos beserta cemilan2 gurih di sekelilingnya, hehehe..
>iman_brotoseno: kalo saya sih tiap jumat bawaannya pengen cepet2 pulang ke bandungggg!!! hehehe..
>sancok_brancok: bener cok, dipikir2 emang gw harus banyak2 bersyukur, apalagi kalo dibandingin ma lo yak, wekekeke.. amiiin, yang penting mah barokah ya cok.. salam ya cok buat tora ;p
perasaan udah post comment tapi gak muncul muncul... huhuuuu.. sensi yah il..
oya itu tuh.. 'fabiyai alai...bla bla bla.. kadziban' seperti pernah baca di posting sapa gitu..
makanya il kalo ngerasa bosen sama pekerjaan tuh sodakoh ,.. traktir orang ... bikin janji gitu ke diri sendiri 'saya harus berderma!' ..
pasti meriah siah hidup lo ..
WOAMPOOON! lagi2 tagihan mentraktir dari si ikwanjusup.. tumben lo implisit gitu kali ini wa??? minta ditraktir mulu deh lo wa, herrrrannn!! dimana2 ya wa, orang yg lagi seneng yang nraktir orang yg perlu dibikin seneng, gimana sih lo?!????!!!!
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